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It's official - Kiwi our new DYH will be coming home!


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Like it says in the title - we made our decision today and Kiwi, a 2 1/2 year old male DYH Amazon will be coming home on the 12th!!


I'm very excited and relieved to have finally made this decision. His cage is a little small, so I may be upgrading him to a bigger cage next month. At his current home he plays with the dogs and cats there. So he is already adjusted to other animals. He liked me - no eye pinning as he has done with others and he actually walked up my arm to be closer to me. I will visit him twice more before bringing him home so the move isn't as traumatic.


I can't wait!



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Congratulations, Kiwi is a beautiful soul. I am going to look for lots of updates as he settles into your home. I have only seen one of these Amazon's briefly and her playfulness and energy were mesmerizing. Kiwi is a lucky boy, it is a great idea to come back a couple of times and get to know him a little before bringing him home. Only ten days to go!

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Excellent choice. I can't wait to see how you and your new zon interact. You will be amazed at the difference between greys and zons. Both are excellent companions in their own way. As for updating Kiwi's cage, I find that my Louie is very accepting of any new things. Bells are a must for a zon.

Edited by luvparrots
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Yay! Can't wait! I am so excited for you. This will open up a whole world that you never knew existed! There is nothing like an amazon to know and love. Very different from a grey relationship. Can't wait to follow this new addition, Nilah says....yippee!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is a wonderful looking Zon, I would say this is a fairly young bird, younger than 2.5 years old, it's a Amazona och Belizensis from the Berlize area,which is a sub speices of the Dbl Yellowhead Amazona ochrocephala oratrix, which is the one people refer to as the DBLYH Zon. Their slightly more calmer then some other DBL's. More red should develop at the wing bend with yellow pants, and the wing should darken [green] around the back. Jay


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  • 2 weeks later...

Kiwi has made it home. It's amazing how much bigger he seems than Luna. His beak is definitely much more powerful than hers. He is already settling in. He likes to step up a lot. He lets you know by climbing the the part of the cage nearest to you and leans out to you. He mouths a lot which I dont mind of course, but his bigger, stronger beak does make me a little nervous. Also, he mouths whatever shirt I am wearing and he will actually pinch me thru the cloth. It's not a bite, but it can be painful!


He has mumbled, but not really said anything. My wife called me this morning to let me know he screeched a couple of times and whistled trying to get her attention. You might think I am reading too much into this, but I swear Luna is excited to have him here. She almost seemed to showing off and was playing A LOT on her playtop. One super scary and exciting moment came when they reach across from their cages and touched beaks/ mouthed each other (see pic). I was ready to risk life and limb should anything go wrong, but they did it three times! What should I do if they want to get closer to each other? Should I discourage any of this?




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Kiwi is quite handsome. My ZON and TAG have done some beaking, as I call it. I too was fearful but it has never been done in a threatening way. Perhaps someone will have an answer to this "beaking" situation.


Has either ventured in any way over to the other's cage/ area?

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I am talking about while sitting on boings or perches in the outer rooms. They reach over and open their beaks to each other and touch beaks. No aggressive just touching. They do also go into each other cages to steal food but never when the other is in the cage. If one goes in another's cage, the cage owner just watches.

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I could tell Kiwi wanted to get over to Luna's cage today. He didnt quite make it - although he flies very well and could make it anytime he wanted. I love watching him fly. He makes great sharp turns and returns to his cage. He also flew from the playstand to his cage when he wanted me to hold him.

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I'm quickly learning that Kiwi communicates with biting. Not hard, but his beak is so strong that if feels very forceful. He basically moves his open beak quickly to the arm and pushes hard. I know when he doesnt want to step up by simply reading his body language. But if he doesnt want to step down - watch out! I've been very calm and I just say 'OK, you can stay a little longer'. I do like that he seems to want to be near me. This morning I was on the floor cleaning (he flings food like a tornado) and I looked up and his was upside down having climbed to the bottom of the cage door looking at me. Pretty funny.

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