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Look at what i got to hold last weekend.


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never thought i would get a chance to touch or hold one of thise beautiful birds.


this one is 13 weeks old and nearly died because the former owner burned its crop with forumla that was too hot. moron.


the foster parronot is thinking she will have to hand feed this one for the next year.


The beak on this baby is bigger than my greys head! these birds are HUGE!





Edited by carlsjr
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Yes they are referred to as the gentle giants though they have a beak that looks like they could take an arm off if they wanted to. I have seen them before but not as babies, one of the members of our bird club used to have two of them but she fell into ill health and had to find them new homes, they are gorgeous birds but not for me.

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We had two we cared for a while back, as adult you could carry one on each arm and they would put their heads on your chest. Their diet consist of Red Palm nuts, they are somewhat expensive to care for. We had a problem in 2009-2010 where the breeders didn't feed the parents enough Red Palm Oil [VitA] and they would grow out Stunted[large heads] . We went on a campaign contacting breeders in this area of this problem, which was basically adding additional olive oil to their diet.

Edited by Jayd
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