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how calm is your parrot? calm enough to take shopping?


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im asking this because last weekend i was at petsmart getting animal food and a guy came in with a scarlet Macaw. no tether or leash he just walked in with the bird on his shoulder and when he got a cart he put it on the cart handle and went about his business.


I should have talked to the guy but my time was short and i had other places to go and do. I have always wondered what kind of training it takes to get a bird to be so docile. I and im sure most members of this forum could never take their bird out like that. I know for my CAG it does not take much to spook her.


So to have a bird that one can just take out with no fear of it flying away is it a factor of many things like temperament, training and clipping the wings?

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I wouldn't take Gracie my CAG shopping perched on my shoulder. I would, perhaps, take her out in a travel cage or pak-o-bird. Gracie and I visit family and friends frequently and we go to the park when the weather is nice. I haven't taken her to any pet stores yet, but I might consider it as long as she is safe. Many people bring their dogs to pet stores, so I wouldn't want to risk any unpleasantness by having her exposed to danger.

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im asking this because last weekend i was at petsmart getting animal food and a guy came in with a scarlet Macaw. no tether or leash he just walked in with the bird on his shoulder and when he got a cart he put it on the cart handle and went about his business.


I should have talked to the guy but my time was short and i had other places to go and do. I have always wondered what kind of training it takes to get a bird to be so docile. I and im sure most members of this forum could never take their bird out like that. I know for my CAG it does not take much to spook her.


So to have a bird that one can just take out with no fear of it flying away is it a factor of many things like temperament, training and clipping the wings?


Macaws are much more inclined to stay with their owners in all sorts of conditions. They're not afraid of surrounding situations. Macaws are long distance flyers. Short trips just don't appeal to them. They're more likely to stay calm with their owners and take in the surrounding action. Their temperment is nothing like a grey. This goes on in different countries. These countries such as Scotland, Germany and the Amazon have birds that would much rather stay with the human wnvironment that surrounds them. People let these birds fly away but they always return. They come back when nature tells them that they've done their duty. They know where food and shelter is. In Germany, there's a person that has 2 breeder amazons who stay with him all year long except for 2 times a year. These birds fly away and go to certain trees where they breed and raise chicks. These birds are free flyers. Those areas are approx 3 miles away. It's not him that decides when they should go. They do. In these countries, people think it's sinful to clip any bird's wings. In Scotland, cockatoos are all over backyards with people because their food is there. It's hard to make them go away. Basically, they're fearless. Macaws are the most common bird used when different movies are made that require that a bird be present in the movie for short amounts of time. They know that the birds will hang out no matter what's going on. They're more curious then fearful.

Edited by Dave007
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If you plan on taking your parrot outside, even with clipped wings, you should at LEAST use a harness, if not a carrying cage.


I'd be uncomfortable bringing a parrot to a store that sells other parrots, though. Especially since pet stores are notorious for not properly taking care of their "stock".

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My neighbor has an older ekkie, Sully, that goes shopping and to pet fairs with them all the time. He is harnessed but loves his owner who is 6'5" and just stays on his shoulder. Sully can see everything for that position. I have taken my greys on short walks in the neighborhood but that's about it.

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I took Jake to visit Santa at Petsmart. He was in his Pak-o-bird until we were in the store and near the room where Santa was. After Santa time he stayed on my arm and we walked around until he wanted the safety of his carrier again. I did finally find a stroller base for the Pak-o-bird which will allow us to go even more places once it warms up.

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I personally would not take any of my birds to pet stores, you just never know what they may be exposed to from the other birds they have for sale but Josey would be very afraid of the experience and like Dave said they are different from macaws.


I am lucky. My Petsmart stores only have finches and parakeets. Both are kept in enclosures with glass fronts and sides. I was surprised Jake wanted to see any of the store outside of his carrier.

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I would and have taken Echo the quaker out several times, he usually comes with me to pick kids up after school in the warmer months. He hasn't ever made any attempt to leave me. Storm I don't think I will ever be able to take him anywhere as he is quite the mischief maker at 6 months old, I can't see this getting better but worse....


we had a gcc conure at one point (kitty) who my daughter carried around like nobodys business, that bird was so bonded with her, she would never attempt to leave. She took her to a friends house one day and when she returned (hrs later) without Kitty one day, I freaked out. I asked her where Kitty was and she said her friends mom wouldn't let Kitty in the house, so she put her in a tree.....I told her that Kitty was probably gone and if she wasn't eaten by a cat, hawk, bigger bird or flown away we would probably never get her back...Kitty the crazy conure made a HUGE lier outta me when I went to the tree and sure enough there was Kitty in the tree, alive as can be...napping...... she was safe but I was so mad, my kids behind almost met my hand for the first time that day.

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Since I got Tango from petsmart when they used to sell large birds and I worked there he went to work with me all the time so I can take him into a store and not really have to worry. He is fully flighted now, so I don't really take him outside without his cage just in case something does spook him.

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