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Taking my grey with my on a work toure. help =)


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Hejj all. I have had my TAG for 3 months now and it has bin going great. She is 6 years old and have bin plucking her (before i got her) but i think that was moastly cus of her diet that she got from the people who she lived with before i got her to my home. Well the thing is i work in bird research in the summer time and i out in the contry to count birds for a month or so (over the breeding season).


I was wondering if i can take her with me and if she could live with me on this trip ?

We would 3-4 days on each place so it would be kind of comfusing but can african grey handle that ?

I would have the travel cage with me to travel in the car and a big stand she could be on in the day time. I would be counting twise per day. From 6-9 in the morning and agen from 16-19 in the evening so she could have my atention from 9 til 16 and from 19 til 22...and sleep on the stand.


Is this posseble.. ?? =/

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Good question, some birds travel well and some do not only you know if your bird is easily stressed. As far as the stand it would need to be indoors for her protection from predators. Sadly Parrots even on their humans shoulders have been taken by Hawks. It sounds like she would have lots of time with you that is a positive. Perhaps some others will let you know the good and bad things they can mention to assist you in making a safe choice.

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