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Choosing Your CAG


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Were you able to choose your Grey? If so, how did you choose? :confused: I thought I'd made a decision between the two babies, but after the last two visits, I'm leaning towards the other baby. My breeder isn't putting pressure on me at all to pick one or the other, but I'd like to give her a decision.


Originally I'd chosen "Baby #2". He or she has a white toenail and the breeder mentioned there is a possibility the baby is a red factor. I understand this is only a possibility, but it definitely interested me. He or she also seemed to be the calmer of the two. My last two visits I've found I spend a lot of time with "Baby #1". He or she is very sweet and today the baby cuddled on my chest for at least 10 minutes, nuzzled right against my neck. Now I'm thinking this is my baby!


I'm very lucky that the family of the other baby is indifferent towards the CAG they end up with. They live out of town and unfortunately don't have the chance to visit as I do. Our breeder is sending DNA off tomorrow to determine the sex of the babies. She thinks maybe that will help me come to a final decision, but I really don't think I have a preference between male or female. I'm not normally so indecisive. It's a huge commitment and I want to make the right decision. :)


Here they are from my visit today... You can even see Baby #2's little white toenail!:



After dinner video:


Edited by paleale
I screwed up the video link! :P
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My guy came from a "pet" store that caters only to birds and their needs. I had a choice between 2 CAGS and a TAG. I choose based on personality. My little guy ran up and knocked over 2 larger and a bit older CAGS to get to me. As time went on I would watch the webcam and saw that he would bully his way to the front of the tank to interact with people when ever anyone showed interest in that baby tank. That solidified my choice that he was the right one.

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Awwwwwww, babies are always so cute with their crops full and lack of feathers. :)


We visited the breeders when the two clutches they had were 5 and 6 weeks old respectively. We waited for one to "Pick" us and interacted with them all two to three times a week. Once they were around 10 weeks old, two would come running and calling to us for attention and interaction. We chose one out of the two. Actually, we first took both home ( we had already named them dayo and leah) because it broke our hearts to think about leaving one there of the two. However after getting them both home, one was not fully weaned it turned out and lost 30 grams in 24 hours, so we took her (leah) back.

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When i heard there was a new Clutch at the breeder i immediately went down to pick one out. there were three to choose from. i played with #1 for awhile, and then #2 chose me. so then for the next few months i returned to bond and play with the CAG. I was very happy when he was weened and ready to come home.

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I started visiting my breeders babies at about 2 weeks old & had the choice of 2. At first I was leaning to baby #1 because she ( didn't know the sex then ) seemed more alert & intrested in what was going on. After a couple visits it became obvious that the other ( male ) had chosen me! I was thrilled because I didn't care what the sex was ( still didn't know at this time ) and I knew that this baby wanted to be with me, so I chose him. Every time I visited,until he was ready to come home, he would spend his whole time hanging with me. I am so glad that Biscotti chose me! I would really lean toward a baby that chooses you! <3

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