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a old newby


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hello>>its been a few year since ive been on.When i started in this clubh i had a ggrey name phoebe,i got her at the bird show.she was a rescue and a plucker,i took her to vet many times.nothing was helping her.i had her about year.then my nieghbors was fussing about her being to loud.a great friend said she would take her.which she loves it over there,there would b times her fethers was grown back then something would upset then to floor she w


ould pull out,well a few months ago she was soso sweet,,she deid a few a month,,,,R.I.P.maybe some will rembmer her...tanyab

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yes I have another grey ...Jackson he is 2 and he has my heart.....but he has become nippy now and want let me touch him...I got him when he was a baby with no feathers.i handfeed him for almost a year.he was so sweet nut now his nippy and will bite you..what happen to my sweet baby boy

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