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What's that noise????


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Felix is only 6 months old but is starting to pick up on sounds around our house. He has started this beeping sound that we can't figure out the origin of. It sounds like when a smoke detector is loosing it's battery strength and lets you know it with an annoying beep every so often.

Then again, some of our cabinets make this sound when we close them. Only Felix knows I guess:)


Anyone else have trouble finding out the origin of a sound that your grey picks up?

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Oh golly do we get a lot of mysterious sounds. Usually when we track down the source, it is a source of amusement. There was the one and only time we boarded Java for a weekend and she came home making a new sound that we finally realized was a dripping faucet. That was more than five years ago, and she still does it. She also makes the sound of the garage door opening and gets the dogs in an uproar thinking "daddy is home", then she laughs. With Gilbert, he was rehomed and the worst sound he continues to make is the screech of a vacuum cleaner with either a belt slipping or a bearing going out. He makes that one when he gets distressed, so it is a double whammy knowing he is upset. He also lived many years on the coast so he makes warning sirens and the sound of a low foghorn when it storms. It is those occasional sound effects that keep us guessing until we finally hear it in the house and realize where it is coming from. Our refrigerator has a chime when the door is left open too long, as I put away groceries, I tune it out but then will hear it from Gilbert and it sounds different because it is out of context. It took me a while to learn that he would make that sound, then the microwave trying to get me to heat up some beans for him. When I finally got the message and asked if that was what he wanted, he was sooo excited. He was probably thinking I was pretty thick not to "get it".

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I finally figured out that it is the cabinet closing. But it's the cabinet that has our coffee cups in it which we only open during the winter. So it makes sense that he is hearing the squeak quite often and repeating it now. And you are right......I often question whether it is him or someone in the cabinet. I can't imagine when he starts repeating everything. So much fun.

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Bongo has started a new sound that we just can not figure out, can not even describe it very well. Sort of like a cross between a cat in heat and a baby crying. No babies here and a fixed cat, this is a tuff one! Good thing we like to solve mysteries!

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This noise i think he came to us with, nothing and i mean nothing like i have ever heard! It isn't a noise he repeats either so my chances of getting it on video is slim. He makes that noise and moves on to ALL his other sounds. He picked up a scream from Bubba of a girl from a horror movie, thats real fun, lol

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