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New member and CAG


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I've been reading a lot of info on this wonderful site I just aquired a 4 year old CAG and I'm very excited My question is when I picked him up I noticed a bald spot on his chest,and I'm a little puzzled, I do know he came from a very good home,thanks



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Welcome! In the photos it appears he is plucking that area. His feathers over his entire body look to be a little tattered as well. Since you say he came from a good home, did the owners mention anything abot the bald area and condtition of the feathers? How often does he get bathed/showered and what was his diet? You will find a ton of information on this site to assistyou as well as all our memebers are more than welcoming to any and all questions you may have. :)

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Give your new companion time to settle in as every thing is new to him, people, new home and routine.

As you get more information about your grey you can make any changes that are necessary along with lots of toys to keep him busy

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