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Male versus Female DYH Amazon


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As some of you may know I was (still am sort of) trying to adopt a 2 1/2 year old DYH. I have some concerns though. I have read the male can be extremely aggressive towards the female durig the bluffing period. My Grey is a female and while I dont expect them to become friends I also dont want the DYH flying over to my Luna and attacking her because he is hormonal. Would going with a female DYH be a better idea or am I just blowing things out of proportion in my imagination?


Also is there really any difference between a Panama and DYH besides markings?

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Hi, Markings tell it all. SOME[?] say the DBLYH is the best talking Zon, I have never met a Zon I didn't like.........YellowheadedAmazon.jpg and Panama. PanamaAmazonWBA_AcB95.jpg Yellow-head or their old name is Single-yellow head, A sub to these is a Orange-winged which is what our Salsa is.



In most cases they'll ignore each other, I wouldent worry about it, a Grey is a very note strong parrot.

Edited by Jayd
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Care to elobarate? I'm trying to make the best informed decision I can.
Humans are very capable flock animals, and love to add twists and claim second hand knowledge as their own, Monkey say, monkey do, so at times we agree with one side or the other with out doing reserach, this leads to stereotyping as in, all blk dogs bite, etc. Some of us have found out that sometimes what is held as a truth is nothing more then something some one heard.

The only way we know truths is from experiences and research. My gift to you: In these gifts I give to you ,[or anyone else interested] you can find a truthful and honest answer to your questions. I'll give you my answer to start, No 2 parrots are alike, it depends on how they were raised, personality of both the human and the parrot, the past the present and the future. Scroll down the pages of the Amazon room, open what sounds useful, Ray p, Talon Janet etc You'll find your answer and be a much wiser person...I would not hesitate to buy or own a DBLYH. Thanks Jayd

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Panamas are almost half the size of a DYH, personalities of those I have met seem to be quieter and gentler. Having worked with both kinds of Zon I love them both but if I choose one to live with it would be a Panama. Yellow Napes are big beautiful zons as well personality is more like a DYH.

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I understand. I cant generalize this subject. With that being said, should I spend the extra (lots of extra!) money on getting a younger DYH? I found an aviary that has a few born back in April so they are relatively young. I feel (again, possibly incorrectly) that having a younger DYH that things may go a little more smoothly and give me a better chance of correcting or simply not responding to possible bad habits that normally develop such as biting and screeching.

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I understand. I cant generalize this subject. With that being said, should I spend the extra (lots of extra!) money on getting a younger DYH? I found an aviary that has a few born back in April so they are relatively young. I feel (again, possibly incorrectly) that having a younger DYH that things may go a little more smoothly and give me a better chance of correcting or simply not responding to possible bad habits that normally develop such as biting and screeching.


People can say, "I like this bird or that bird" there's no guarantee on how any bird will turn out, what do you want? A DYH , Yellow- nape, are supposed to be the best talker, they cost more. My favorite is a Mealy, one of the plainest Zon's there is. Blue-fronts are very popular right now. A Zon takes up to 12 years to mature. Once a Zon fledged, is the day they start developing their personality's, habits and good and bad trait's. The Amazon room has a lot of personal experiences available for you to learn from, utilize it....Thanks Jayd

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I don't believe an amazon male of female will have much interaction with a grey so I wouldn't worry about at. I could be wrong as imhave a house full off females except for a male cockatoo. Doesn't seem to,make any difference to my girls.

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I don't believe an amazon male of female will have much interaction with a grey so I wouldn't worry about at. I could be wrong as imhave a house full off females except for a male cockatoo. Doesn't seem to,make any difference to my girls.

200% CORRECT...............................................................................Humans of different origin can be attracted to each other, but parrots where it's not genetically possible, is not even incorporated in their mindset. Whats truly amazing is that when a Grey bonds with a human, it's truly love in it's deepest sense..

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People can say, "I like this bird or that bird" there's no guarantee on how any bird will turn out, what do you want? A DYH , Yellow- nape, are supposed to be the best talker, they cost more. My favorite is a Mealy, one of the plainest Zon's there is. Blue-fronts are very popular right now. A Zon takes up to 12 years to mature. Once a Zon fledged, is the day they start developing their personality's, habits and good and bad trait's. The Amazon room has a lot of personal experiences available for you to learn from, utilize it....Thanks Jayd


"What do I want?" - great question. Honestly, when I got my Grey I wanted lots of interaction, but soon realized I am happy seeing her happy. I feel I am very in tune with Luna. Some days she absolutely will not leave me and just 'purrs' while I pet her until she falls asleep. Other days she wants to play all over the place by herself and makes some of the funniest noises when she decides one of her toys just attacked her. Whatever her choice is - I am happy just seeing her happy. I know the major aspects of the DYH Amazon - good and bad and I'm more than willing to accept both. I believe the amount of interaction and toys and the freedom that I give my bird now to make their own decisions will attribute to a happy and well adjusted Amazon. By adopting the 2 1/2 year old Amazon I know what I am walking into. there are obvious advantages and disadvantages to getting the younger 7 month old Amazon from the aviary. I was just looking for some opinions. :)

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Great questions and discussion in this thread. Keep us posted on your decision and how things progress. I am fascinated by Zons but will not likely live with one in the near future. I love to read about them and learn about the forum members' relationships with theirs.

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