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New owner of African grey


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Hiya Everyone ..


I'm a new owner of Dylan my African grey i love him to bits already .He's 15 weeks old already"steps up and steps down when asked he's not biting just nipping.he'll fly and sit next to us on the sofa and even sleep there 'i'm finding him lowering his head to be scratched ..but we are finding him flying to my husband and nipping/biting his ear's alot any advice on how to discourage this he only seems to do it to my husband ?

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Hi, greetings and welcome. Your baby is expressing new found feelings, if he's just beaking, don't discourage it, just say, don't bite...If he's biting, don't let him on the shoulder. Now, one of two things are happening, he's chosen your husband, [in the wild, Greys don't bite,when they play, they get a mouth full of feathers] or, he's chosen you and telling your husband to back off. Take some time and see how it plays out, if he starts biting, stop it.

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