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to those who shower with their birds...


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How do you do it?


I have a shower perch and have been using it on windows since both the boys love to stare outside and see whats happening in the world outside the giant box they live in called a house.


I am kinda thinking i might actually use it for it's intended purpose, but am unsure how.


is the water we use not to hot for them? what the smells of soaps and shampoos, is that not to strong for them? when you open the bathroom door the cold air comes in, would they not catch a chill from leaving the bathroom to the colder air?


So if you shower with your fids, how do you do this? I'm not even sure if they would like it, Echo might because he loves water but storm so far really has little interest in being clean lol.

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I do not shower with my birds because they like the water cooler than I want for my shower so I just take Josey in at other times and use the shower head on her with the cooler water but it will be interesting to hear how the others who do shower with their birds do, I know a few don't actually take their bird under the water, they just perch nearby and get the water vapor the shower gives off.

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Thats what we just did with Storm, I took him in my shower put him on his perch and he sat there, he didn't fight it, but I don't think he loved it either. My 10 yr old took Echo the quaker in with her and he wasn't sure at first but I heard the 2 of them laughing and playing so he liked it all better. She called me when she was ready to get out and he stepped up to me and said "shower"lol, he's so funny and for a quaker he is pretty precise with words and meaning,

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Mine have a perch in the shower, mostly steam for Oliver but i do turn the heat of the water down and spray them before i get out. I am steaming only during the cold, don't soak because of that blast of cold when the door opens. They get misted in the warm spots in the house! Each has a temp they like. Oliver and Bubba, very warm water, Gabby likes room temp to cool, Gus likes room temp, Bongo HATES water period!

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