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poor storm


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i decided yesterday that we were going to St clements to exotic wings and things, the parrot store. So i called a friend and we went. Storm did great on the way there. He got his nails taken care of and was a good bird while I exchanged some food and he helped us to pick out some new toys for him.


On the way home he decided to climb the carrier's top which is barred. Well started screeching that god awful screech where you know your baby is going to die if you don't do something. I panicked when I saw his 2 toes were caught in the barring. I tried pushing is toes back through but no luck. I put my hand in the carrier to hold his body up and try to get him to stop thrashing...finally got his toe out and checked him all over, he seemed fine and no worse for the wear, than I saw all this blood, like a lot of blood. Thinking it came from him I started to look for the wound, he didn't have a single bit of blood on him. Turns out he must have bitten me while i was trying to free him, I didn't feel him bite me but I was so panicked and afraid he was gonna rip off his toes, i can see how i missed being bitten. Turns out he really did a number on my finger both sides have a hole right through, it actually looks like his beak went through one side and out the other. not possible b/c i have bones there but holy crap, i didn't know my finger could bleed so much so fast.


Carried on our way and made it home, he was thrilled to be home and started whistling and making noise as soon as he was back on top of his cage. As for me, my finger is fine, i felt it pulsing last night night and it hurt quite a bit, but is fine this morning, it's pretty bruised and the actual bite is really tiny, smaller than a single stitch would be.


On a good note he is really experimenting with his sounds, he does say a few words i think but nothing that is very clear and understandable. He seems to have noisy time of the day, first thing in the morning, early in the afternoon and evening, he isn't noisy like screaming noisy he is just vocal and we love listening to his sounds. I bought the boys a boing this week and i now wonder why i never had one for echo, he loves it. Storm likes it but not as much as Echo does. I actually ordered 2 more so by the end of the week will have 4...the 8 ft one is hanging from the kitchen ceiling, the other 2 will be above each cage. Echo has discovered that he is a climber, and is now loving climbing the plastic chain i have above his cage, he hangs out there a good chunk of the day, i imagine he will do the same with a boing. Don't mind my messy kitchen, i was trying to get dinner ready at the same time.


And of course I have pics.:


Here you can hear storm playing with sounds, I think when he does talk i might have issues getting him to be quiet



Echo hanging out on his chains



bouncy bouncy birdies



and another


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I can see how you would be panicked at seeing the blood and his toes caught, he didn't understand you were just trying to get him loose but these things happen, glad it wasn't his blood for it could have been worse, hope he doesn't refuse to go inside the carrier the next time you want to take him somewhere for they do remember.

Thanks for sharing the pictures of them enjoying their boings.

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oh I am not upset about the bite at all, i know why he did it and I think if i had been him I would have bitten as well, Not worth taking pics of as it is so tiny, about the size of a crayon tip just out of a fresh box. I once had a chihuahua who bit a hole right through my thumb. She jumped off teh couch and as soon as she landed I heard the bone break, I went to grab her b/c she was shrieking and she bit me lol.....her bite was way worse then storms lol. trust me when I get bitten good I will post it lol, just so I can am worthy of the bite club lol,.

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I enjoyed the videos, very cute. I can imagine your horror when seeing the blood. It's funny how we can become numb when we are involved in saving a loved one from a bad situation, but thank god we are or we would not accomplish the goal of saving them. Welcome to the Parrot Bite Me Club. :)

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Sad to say, when I was reading your account of the stuck toes and the blood, I breathed a big sigh of relief when I heard it was your blood, not his. Not that I would be less compassionate to your injury... just that it is not quite so life threatening to us for a loss of blood since we have so much more of it than our little guys. You know you are really in love with your parrot when you are not so concerned with your own puncture as you were for getting him free before he could injure himself in a panic. How quickly he forgot about his scare and went right to playing and back to his happy little self. I am glad you are able to look at it as an an unintended battle scar but I am willing to guess you would do it again to protect your little ones.

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