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I had a bad day...


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and Jellybean did not like it at all.

I had a rough time sleeping the last couple of nights and just felt crappy all around. I spent most of the day in bed and Jellybean was not happy; calling for me, flying into my bed (for the first time), biting and just letting me know he is not happy! His routine was interrupted and he let me know.

He was kind of this " off and on again boyfriend" ;)

Tomorrow will be better:)

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They are so in tune with us and desire nothing to be with us or at least in sight of us at almost all times. As Jeff said, they are very empathic.


Jellybean was just being a grey that was frustrated and trying to figure out what changed and trying to get interaction with you by trying to nudge (call, bite, nibble) you along. I know this does not make you feel better, but hopefully gives you some insight as to how they think and behave when things are not "Normal". :)

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After a long stint away from home and grueling travel which Gilbert had been along with me, I slept in the next day and he was not happy. He could see me through the open bedroom door from his cage. At first he was asking "Night night?" like he was questioning why I was doing things "wrong". Soon he was saying "Get up!" Also, after I get my teeth adjusted with the braces, sometimes that day I will lay on the couch and he complains loudly about that too. I wonder if that has to do with them being a prey animal and they are warning us to get up, not to show weakness in case a predator is going to snatch us up. Instinct maybe? On the other hand, after an emotional distress and he saw that I was very quiet and "different" he picked up on that too and it was one of the first times he came close to me and he touched me all over my face with his beak. They definitely can pick up our mood and be empathetic, it was an entirely different approach. It amazes me how much we learn from living with these exquisite and sometimes demanding little souls. Hope you and Jellybean are both feeling tip top again soon.

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