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hello tayla here and new to the forum


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hello i am new here.ive had my Grey DJ for an month now he has already been camping with us which he seemed to have no problems with an enjoys being in the car. he has just been weaned so he is about 11-12 weeks. my sister just got a quaker yesterday (5weeks old) and DJ enjoys grooming the baby. DJ and I have formed a close bond and he likes my mom too but is does not like my sister and dad:D oh and him and my bulldog get on very well.. i'll be posting albums and stuff when i figure out how lol. http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y403/taykie/116_zpsaecb7a0e.jpg

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Hello Tayla and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new addition to the family, is he the only bird you have right now? It sounds like you are having a good time with him as he has been camping with you, they do enjoy spending time with the family even if not at home.

Its perfectly natural for him to pick favorites but he can still have a good relationship with those less favored, it will just be different, let them be the ones to give treats so he knows they can be good people to have around. I would strongly recommend you supervise any time he is out with the dog, even though they get along well you just never know when in a split second things could change, he is a dog after all and can never be fully trusted.

There are a couple of stickys in the photography room that will help you with how to post photos in the forum so be sure to check them out.

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thank you Paleale :) :) yes we just bought a travel cage.. we take our bulldog aswell lol, and no he shows more interest or he wont even really take notice even when Dj is right infront of him.. we gave the people in the vet a good laugh the other day because DJ was in his carry case and stuck his beak through one of the holes and started nibbling on Axl's (bulldog) nose and Axl started licking him!!! hahaha

Edited by Taykie
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Thank you Judygram! He is not the only bird we actually got a 5 week old Monk parrot (Quaker) 2 days ago which is my sisters and hopefully a future friend for DJ, right now DJ just enjoys grooming him:p , and yes i really am enjoying him and so is my family including my dad and sister who are trying to for a relationship with him lol .. and yes i fully agree i will never leave them alone as i do know a dog is only an animal. and thank you i will check out the photography room :)

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thank you Ray P, yes all we did was get a pet carrier and a travel cage which is a moderate size for the time period. his cage is too big to fit in the caravan lol. he is fine in the carrier but also enjoys being on my shoulder during car time (real mommy's boy loves being on me)

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Thank you MiracleAces. yes he did seem to enjoy it, it was a bit difficult though as he was still on two hand feedings a day and was starting tob try and fly so it was hard to give him out of cage time but otherwise it was very easy and enjoyable!

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