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What are my Greys up to?


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Hello everyone I have a pair of african greys and don't really know what there up to.In the morning when there lights come on they are very vocal so I go down and feed them and after they get there fill about an hour after they both go into the nest box and then the male comes out and the female stays in the box for hours while he sits outside quite and very still.Where i'm confused is are they showing signs of breeding because I haven't seen them feeding each other or jousting with each other any help and or advice is appreciated thanks in advance.:confused:

Edited by DiabloGrey
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This is the answer to this post and the other you posted a few months ago. You wanna know what's up?


1---visual habits of the whole process of breeding and habits of parrots from beginning to end( not just greys)?

2---length of time that has to pass before eggs are not fertile?

3 ---Method of seeing whether eggs are fertile or not?

4---types of special food that has to be given to parents and chicks after being hatched?

5---Knowing the difference between a sexually aware bird and a sexually mature bird? ( age)

6---knowledge of the amount of times chicks need to be fed as they develop and knowing how to hand feed?

7---knowing how to incubate eggs if pair doesn't?

8---kind of incubator which is needed?

9---knowledge of brooding?

10--knowledge of what to do if the tame bird decides to turn it's back on the human owner and becomes aggressive after bonding with the hen?

11---knowing what you want to do with the chicks after they wean?

12---knowing about the methods used in the weaning process ?

13--having proper cages to put chicks into as they age?

14--knowing how to take eggs away from the pair if they decide not to incubate?

15--knowing what feeding tools are needed in order to handfeed chicks?

16---knowing how to remove bad eggs from 2 birds that are showing serious aggressiveness because the eggs are being taken away?

17---having the pair vet checked before breeding to make sure all is well with the birds?

18---knowing how to make formula to feed chicks?


There's other things to know but these are enough for you to learn about. Then you'll know what's up.

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ok thanks dave I guess what ur saying is yes they are starting to breed which would be fantastic but again is this early signs because they still don't feed each other or groom each other does that come later when she is ready to lay? P.S this is a different set of african greys than my posts from a couple of months ago those ones are strictly my pets now.

Edited by DiabloGrey
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Dave is saying that it sounds like you don't know what you are doing and if you are going to breed african greys then you better start studying all the ins and outs of what to do, what to expect and everything associated with it because if you don't know what you are doing then its better to leave it to people who do, sorry this sounds harsh but sometimes the truth hurts. Dave is a long time breeder of greys and he will be the first to tell you its not something you do on a whim or without knowing what you are getting into, the possible lives of any babies you might have will depend on it.

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thanks for the response judy but I have done alot of reading I didn't just run out and buy african greys without knowing what I was getting into.The reason I'm in this forum is because I do need to learn more since I haven't breed before. I have 4 AG`s 2 pets 2 breeders so from what I understand there is a courtship dance and feeding each other which are signs of breeding and since I don`t see this behavior but do see alot of time spent in the nest and a increase of food intake also a hole in the pine shavings in there nest box I thought I might get some info from some experts first hand since the books don`t really go into the little details.I thought since my question was a simple one I might just get a yes sounds like early stages of breeding or even a simple no the books can`t tell me this but an expert can.So to any experts out there can someone please give some insight to What my greys are up to Thank u.

Edited by DiabloGrey
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So since no one could answer my question on What are my greys up to I took it upon my self to tranfer my greys to a smaller cage.I have a camera system hooked up lighting system on timers and a nightlight,they didn't move all day but as soon as the lights went out and the nightlight went on they got very active my male dropped his wings and started his dance and really started pestering my female so is this normal behaviour for greys when the lights go out and can they mate at night any info is appreciated thanks.

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DiabloGrey, most, really all but perhaps a couple of members here are pet grey owners and have no interest in breeding our greys just enjoying their companionship. Most of us know very little about breeding greys. As I understand it, a pet grey and a breeder grey are two totally different creatures. I for one know nothing about breeding greys, not a thing. Perhaps there are other forums on the internet whose members primarily breed greys that can help you. If you have interest in companion greys this is the place.

Edited by luvparrots
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