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New cage for an newly adopted Amazon?


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Hi all - My Grey has a cage that is 36inches wide which I was told was big enough for her. I sometimes feel it is, sometime not. That being said, I am very near to adopting a 2 1/2 year old Double Yellow Head Amazon. His cage is so small (to me) - 26 x 22. I cant imagine him being happy in there. I want to get him a bigger cage - maybe the exact same one Luna my Grey has. Would it be just far too stressful to rehome him directly into a new cage? He will come with a lot of his own toys so I could make sure those were in the new cage.

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I find that my Amazon is much more active than my greys. My Louie is always busy and loves toys and lots of moving space. When I got each of my parrots I just put them in their new cage with no problem. Louie is also a rehome who lived an a small cage. He adjusted easily to his roomier cage. I find zons are much more easy going than greys. I think your idea of a newer larger cage with his usual toys is a great idea. Try to get as much information about your new zon as you can. His schedule, activities, routine, likes and dislikes, etc. I believe that helps you both adjust.


Looking forward to seeing some pictures of your zon. What is his name.

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26 x 22 is way too small for an amazon. I have 2 greys and an amazon. An amazon needs alot more room to climb around. They are more active with their climbing and playing, thus requiring a large cage. once you fill it with enough perches and climbing things and toys, there needs to be enough room for them to stretch as amazons love to do.


Congrats btw on your new flcok member. Can't wait to see pics!

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Hola, Salsa here...Welcome and come visit us ZONs in the Amazon Room when you bring home your new ZON. There's a lot of difference between Greens and Greys. A Greenie travels light...we don't carry around the baggage that Greys do. We think more like live and let live...that means we're more adaptable to our environment, caretakers etc than Greys. No matter what kind of new cage there is, we take over and make it our own so go for the new cage. Where we are touchy is about toys, food and attention. We might just jump into our new cage and home, but sit back and watch what is going on for a while until we are sure of you. Sometimes we don't like to be touched but with time, we will let you know what we want. We are more self-sufficient and we play by ourselves more. With your new Double-Yellow,it is known in some cases that they have an attitude. If that is the case, just sit back longer before you try to stick your finger in its beak. Just read some of Janet, Ray P.'s and Talons posts...You can treat a re-homed ZON like a new bird unless they really had a bad home life. I promise you, us ZONs will let you know what we want and don't want...Very important...your Grey is flock leader. This means that you have to say Good Morning and Goodbye to Luna first. Luna needs to get the first treats, food bowls of food, toy's and attention before anybody else. Introduce your new ZON to Luna, not Luna to the ZON. Your ZON is not really going to care...they live in their own world as opposed to a Grey who can be touchy. In most cases, your ZON and Luna will not interact and will basically ignore each other. In our house, we had two Greys and me...Spock and I used to play together all the time and Joe never did play...now that Spock is gone, Joe just ignores me except when he tells me "Salsa, Shut up"...

Edited by Jayd
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Jayd - what a great post! Thanks to Talon and Luvparrots as well for responding. I especially like the section about Luna being the flock leader. I dont think I would have thought twice about who got their food and treats first and I certainly dont want to upset Luna further by not giving her everything first.


I'm at a bit of an empasse at this point. I visited Kiwi (the Amazon) yesterday and the visit was great. The cage was definitely small, but I can still use it after I replace it with a bigger cage. I was thinking of putting it in the kitchen or the excercise room downstairs as a playstand. It's definitely a nice cage, just small. So here is where the empasse started. The visit was great. Kiwi stepped up to me twice and actually spent a majority of the time on my arm and even moved closer to me. He wasnt scared and played with his current owner in front of me. He was hanging upside down from her hand and he flipped over on his back and was practically giggling (I know - but I swear he was) when she tickled him. He was completely at ease around the rescue cat and dog the owner had as well. When I left we were discussing the home inspection on my end at some point this weekend.


The owner was asking $800 for Kiwi, his toys, food, cage and two play stands. I was fine with that. In the text the owner asked for another $200 coming to $1000. In the grand scheme of things with everything I would be getting including a new companion for who knows how many decades, the extra $200 is nothing. However it gave me an uneasy feeling. I am not sure how to answer the text. I told her I would get back to her in the morning. Any thoughts on this?

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Hmmm, what does he say the $200 is for? Havent she already agreed on a price? I would stnd your ground if she did, and certainly don't give her any money upfront. Also, before the home visit, get a signed contract from her. If se is legit, then she won't have a problem with it. Sounds a bit off, so you need to protect yourself and don't let her to your home until you ave a signed contract...just in case. That's a lot of $$, but worth it as long as she's honest.


I paid $1200 for my amazon, then had to buy a cage, etc.

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Hola, Salsa here...Welcome and come visit us ZONs in the Amazon Room when you bring home your new ZON. There's a lot of difference between Greens and Greys. A Greenie travels light...we don't carry around the baggage that Greys do. We think more like live and let live...that means we're more adaptable to our environment, caretakers etc than Greys. No matter what kind of new cage there is, we take over and make it our own so go for the new cage. Where we are touchy is about toys, food and attention. We might just jump into our new cage and home, but sit back and watch what is going on for a while until we are sure of you. Sometimes we don't like to be touched but with time, we will let you know what we want. We are more self-sufficient and we play by ourselves more. With your new Double-Yellow,it is known in some cases that they have an attitude. If that is the case, just sit back longer before you try to stick your finger in its beak. Just read some of Janet, Ray P.'s and Talons posts...You can treat a re-homed ZON like a new bird unless they really had a bad home life. I promise you, us ZONs will let you know what we want and don't want...Very important...your Grey is flock leader. This means that you have to say Good Morning and Goodbye to Luna first. Luna needs to get the first treats, food bowls of food, toy's and attention before anybody else. Introduce your new ZON to Luna, not Luna to the ZON. Your ZON is not really going to care...they live in their own world as opposed to a Grey who can be touchy. In most cases, your ZON and Luna will not interact and will basically ignore each other. In our house, we had two Greys and me...Spock and I used to play together all the time and Joe never did play...now that Spock is gone, Joe just ignores me except when he tells me "Salsa, Shut up"...


Jayd - getting back to Luna being the flock leader. She will get her food and treats first and will be let out of the cage first. Silly question, but does the flock leader go back into their cage first or second?

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Yes, I am a from believer as Jay is on the first member of the flock, first, the next one second, etc. I NEVER stray from that and I believe it made the transition of a new flock member easier. As for bed time, I put my second bird to bed first usually cause she's the easiest, then sometimes, one or third next. Depends on the night....my third is a feisty amazon and she gives me the most trouble in putting her to bed..usually I save that fun for last depending her attitude for that particular night.

If you checkout the amazon room, you will see the trouble I was having at bedtime with her. She goes thru bedtime ritual stages, her latest one is to sit on the top shelve of her cage and try like an attack Doberman to bite me as input Rikki to bed...she fluffs her feathers, fans her tail, hisses at me and reaches out almost falling off to bite me!! I have to dodge and duck when input my grey to bed and get the cages ready. It's quite comical, I'm much faster and quickens at ducking than her. Lol

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