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Feeding a 6 week african grey


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:unsure: I purchased a 6 week old bird today and are feeding the Parrot AVI+ Handrearing Feed for caged birds. This states that no other suppliments are necc. while feeding this. I am not sure how often to feed the bird, or how much at a time? Should I feed the bird fruit at this age?

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I would start by saying I never had a baby this age.

I got my gery a bit older than 6 weeks... so I'm giving you advices I read and heard of.


I would have used Pretty Bird Hand-feeding Formula (8% fat) - spoon feeding.

You can make your ownformula but you might have problems with bacteria and your baby might not gain weight.


You can try giving him small chunks of fruits, and see if he react to them.

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How is the hand feeding going? I breed parrots. Your baby should be getting a LARGE variety of foods at this time. Feeding a variety of foods now will make a healthier adult. Go to my profile and go to my web site then go to caring for your Parrot also check out the macaw baby pictures and it shows babies eating a variety of foods and how I present it for them to eat.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

we had our chicken no1 at 5 weeks we were told to feed him every 4 hours with a supplement mix with about -3x in warm water i think? but he died a week later DONT TAKE THAT AS FACT check with pro first!

Also our chick no1 didnt seem to do alot or move he couldnt even sit up straight half the time no very strong is your like this at all i dont know if he was doomed to start with?

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And you should wait 10-12 weeks till the are fully weaned i.e able to live off there baby food and use it as a supplement once a week for a while (but what can i say when i did exactly the same IMA TWAT OH YES!!! I didnt have a clue what i was doing in reality i had read up a lot of things and brought sprays and electric blankets ect but it was all futile in the end,as it so ofen is with life in general!

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Fancy is doing great. I just started offering different things to her while I was spooning in the formula. She has shown curiosity but throws the cereal and raisins I put on top of the sofa, her favorite resting place; at me when she wants to catch my attention. Her personality is really starting to come out. She is determined to get her clutches on the brightly colored Cable Remote Control (and remove all the buttons I’m sure as she has already managed to pull out one of the set buttons on my watch.). She is so sweet too. I was napping on the sofa earlier and when I awoke she had climbed down and settled herself on my shoulder and laid her head near my neck. It was SUCH a moment! When I was eating a banana Popsicle earlier the bright color attracted her and she made a beeline for it. She couldn’t believe it was so cold but none the less she tried 3 more times to take a bite of it before deciding it wasn’t for her. Right now I am just trying to give her choices but when she is really hungry as in the morning I can’t spoon in the formula fast enough for her.

Thank you all for your advice.

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Danmcq-your last post is to me? anywaymy chicken is 7 months yeah im tying to post some pics now i aint got the software to scale them down so ceasersdad offered to help me out if i email them very good of him this site is well orginized and dead freindly good forum :woohoo:

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Ive got i Grey owners group on facebook i dont have alot of time to update and thing anywhere on the internet at the mo but i plan to get a laptop soon

Hustonlady53-my chicken loves buttons to the remotes whe wont leave alone,He also when hes on your hand spining on to his back an playin biting you Not hard and we are no rough with him as you all know it teaches them to play hard Also he automaticlly shakes his head in a no motion when he doesnt like something Does anyones elses do that We didnt teach him B)

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Guest briansmum

brian is a pain with the remote so i got one of thos pretent telephone baby toys, now he can bash and peck at buttons all he wants!

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Guest Lidia

Old remote controls (batteries removed) are great toys, I think anything that can be destroyed is generally good. Also, similar to Beccy's toy telephones, I give Joshua (when I can get them), fake mobile phones. He loves these! But at the moment, the favourite toy is a wireless mouse with its guts torn out.

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I'm trying to get some photos of Fancy but every time she sees me trying to take her picture she runs up and sticks her face right in front of the lense. Since my first post the only one I have of her that is not blurred is of the scrawny chick that I took of her when I brought her home. She weaned herself last week. I aways leave some dry Kibble out and in her cage just to get her used to seeing it and playing with it. A couple of days ago I had piled fresh kibble near when I spoon feed her formula. She acted like she was starving as she always does in the morning. So I mixed the formula in the kitchen so she could have some as soon as I put her in our eating area. She took two big gulps and then turned around and started eating the kibble. After that she has shown no interest in the formula. Now when I am away and she is hungry she eats the Kibble in her cage She has become fully feathered and so beautiful. Guess I'll have to pull out the tri-pod for more clear pictures. When I have some good ones I will definately post them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

She was 6 weeks old when I put up my first past about feeding her. She is now 10 weeks old and completely weaned. She always wants to sample what I am eating - I'm a vegetarian so we have a large variety of fresh fruit and vegetables. I took some pictures I just haven't had time to upload them.

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Weaned at 10 weeks? That is too soon for a grey.

Weaning to soon can cause all sorts of behavioral problems.

Please go back to feeding your baby at least once a day.

I can't think of a way to say this where I don't sound so mean. I'm not tring to be mean I just want to help you and your have a long rewarding relationship.

If you can would love to see pictures of your baby. And hear about his/her adventures.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/07/26 18:59

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Well all I can say is she must have been older than the breader told me. I got her in mid June and he said she was 3 weeks old. I thought then she looked kind of big for a 3 week old chick. I followed your advice and offered her formula for breakfast. She refused to eat it. I keep kibble and other fruits available to her at all times. She looks quite healthy, flaps her wings to assist in climbing and behaves like a 2 year old, getting into everything and often ignores my "NO" until I remove her from the dangerous or forbidden environment. Her favorite color is blue, she is starting to expolore her surroundings and likes to sit on my shoulder if I am doing something like reading or sewing. I was just sewing and she is calling me. Any suggestions about how to determine her true age?

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Fancy is very close to being able to fly she flaps her wing a lot and often looks like she is ready to take off but I think she still lacks the confidence to fly and prefers to climb to get where she is going. I'll try to get a close up of her eyes. Right now she is on my lap trying to tear apart my watch and the keyboard!


Thanks so much for your helpful suggestions.


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