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Time well spent

Ray P

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One of the most important things you can give your parrot/parrots is your time. Your time cost you nothing, but it means everything to your parrot or parrots.

Sometimes Corky and Cricket just like to sit on my shoulder and do nothing but sit there and may be jabber a little bit, get their head scratch, play with my hair.

The holidays are often very busy and this takes away some of their very special moments with us and they miss it more than you realize.

No mater how important your parrot is to you.You are more important to your parrot. I read that someplace.

So this holiday take some extra time to spend with your companion and do nothing with them but sit and enjoy each others company, they will love you for it.

What are your quite times like ??

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Thanks Ray, my birds just love to ebut of their cages and hang out in the same room. Many times just hanging out on their playstands or hanging perches. Of course Nilah wants to be perched quietly on my hand, just chillin....


Makes me feel ad that I used to be home most of the day and they were always out of their cages. Now I work full time and they spend most of thir days in their cages......:(

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It has been a long time since we just sat on the couch and did nothing all day but today we did! Bongo and Gus were with me, one on my lap and one on my arm. The macaws were playing on the back of the love seat, Pat and Gabby kinda just bounced back and forth. It was so nice to just relax with the fids.

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I have an Aviary wher Mickey goes into several times a day. I rotate him from the cage and Aviary and then also give him as mutch out of cage time on his own playing around on top and he knows I am right there and that he is not allowed to get off the cage on to the floor, then I put him back into the cage. At night I take my Notebook and get into bed, take him out and put him on my shoulder, where he would just sit napping and grinding his beak for about 2 hours. I know he enjoys this very much. My worry sometimes is wether this may be too much free time - because mommy works from home now and someday may need to work away from home = would he be ok or could I expect problems then. I hope not.

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