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Babysitting a Muloccan Cockatoo


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We are helping out the bird rescue that we got Charlie from by babysitting a female Muloccan Cockatoo. Never had a ton of dealings with large Cockatoo's. OH MY GOODNESS they are loud!....if you go in the other room where she can't see you she screams "MOMMA!!!". She talks a TON. Can't understand most of it, but we get some phrases out of it. Her name is Peaches and she says "Peaches is a pretty bird", "Hello", "Where'd you go?", etc.


Crazy thing is, Charlie has become a little aggressive now that Peaches is here. It seems he may be jealous. Hope the jealousy/aggression doesn't turn into a habit.


Anyway...she is a really sweet bird. Loves to cuddle and be held. The bad part is (besides the noise) that she LOVES to be held and cuddle. To the point where if you're not holding and cuddling her, she is screaming.


Glad to be able to help out.....but glad it's not permanent....Charlie get's noisy, but his is clear speech and mimicked household sounds....not outright screaming.

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Heeheee, airport, i was thinking more of non stop jackhammers! Our kitchen stove area is the only area that our guy can't see me. Yesterday my hubby asked what his issue is with the kitchen that makes him scream. I told him to go to Gus's area and see for himself. Lol all he said was "ahhh". Bubba, a macaw, has learned the too scream all to well, he is loud in his own right but add a mimicked scream and oh boy, joy joy!

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I always thought I wanted a Too as well. As soon as I heard they " tear" instead of bite down.... I was scared to death! Greys and Amazon bite down. That I can handle. Kiki our Amazon has never bitten hard. Sophie is good as well. One of her favorite games is to give me a friendly nip on my butt, when she is hanging on family room gate to keep dogs out. I usually dodge her nip... its a game we play. I say " Ha! Ha! Missed me! Sometimes she doesn't miss.... but it is a love bite. Doesn't hurt at all. She laughs when she gets me! I always tell her, " you win!" The otherday, I had dining room lite on which throws off lots of shadows on the ceiling. She LOVES the light, and starts a figure eight with her head, very into it. I opened gate, she didn't play the game but bit me HARD on my finger. No blood drawn, but certainly bite marks! My feelings were very hurt and I let her know it! I know it was because she was overly excited. I felt bad that I acted like a child. I ignored her for the next hour even though she tried to make ammends. Sad at the age of 52, I can have my feelings so hurt by my best friend, that I can act like a child.What the heck? Nancy

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I know how you feel Nancy. After months of no aggression, Timber about made hamburger out of my arm yesterday for no reason I can determine. And yes, it hurt my feelings! Still trying to figure it out. He bit me again tonight. He goes to the vet in the morning and I'm going to see what she says. Talk about one step forward and 20 steps back!

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It is great that you can help out while you have an exit strategy. I keep thinking I would like to foster parrots, it would be hard not to fall in love with the, loud noise and all. Come to think of it, I do have a neighbor I would like to annoy a bit, I should make a recording. LOL. Enjoy Peaches while you have her.

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