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Just impossible today....


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Jellybean is on a roll today.

Puffing and clicking, biting, flying and trying to land on my dear husband to do I do not know what.

Tore up an egg carton, made a sound we haven't heard before and was pretty much impossible today.

I will try again and let him after several hours of cage time:(

All in a days work.......

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It is nice to know he is comfortable enough to rage around a little. It is warm where we live and my guys are starting to demonstrate elevated testosterone with willful, domineering behaviors (especially the quaker). Just like Dan says, try to out smart the bird. Get good at reading his body language and soon you will know what he is about to do before he does it. I totally know the moment to duck when Brutus is in one of his "moods."When he is feeling cocky and ornery, I know it now. One strategy is to call him from room to room and have him fly until he is tired. The other is to know when to duck! Brutus loves to hit people in the head with his full body weight, and he weighs 500 grams. It must hurt him too, but what can I say, Mr Tough Guy. I try to avoid the impact, and save his little body the wear and tear. Also, when I am handling him, and he gets a little rambunctious with the biting, I grab his beak loosely and redirect it while saying, "kind and gentle boy." He knows what that means now and will play nicer when I get his attention. He just wants to roll around in my hands and flip upside down. What a goofball! He has never broken my skin though. Now my husband, on the other hand, ignores obvious signs of trouble in Brutus and has been nailed a couple of times.

Edited by chezron
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