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I just ran across this forum and figured I'd stop in and say hello. I don't have a grey yet but I'm looking for one in my area. A friend recommended a grey to me over their great ability to learn. He also said that while vocal they don't screech all that much, which is what I need as I live in an apartment building. Any advice would be welcomed as well as general knowledge that may come in handy for me.

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Hello and welcome to the family, Clay, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about this grey you hope to get.


I hope you are researching and reading all you can about greys so you will know what you are getting into. You don't say whether you have had any kind of birds before but it is a decision that is not to be taken lightly. I am not trying to talk you out of it but it is a lifetime committment so I want you to be sure this is what you want.


We have many threads here on various topics that you can read at your leisure for lots of useful information and a book I recommend you read is "For The Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker, it is full of helpful information on all aspects of grey ownership.


Why don't you tell us a little more information about yourself, whether you have had birds before, if so what kind, so we can get to know you a little better and maybe give you the best advice we have to offer.

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Well I grew up with a Double Yellow-headed Amazon. He had a very Diverse to say the least vocabulary, and was a regular escape artist. I spent most of the time with him. Sadly we had to leave him behind when we moved from Panama, He was donated to a biological zoo where he had an open air pen with 15 - 20 other native amazons.


I have trained for and tested out for my Bird of prey license federally so that I can own almost any Bird of prey. Unfortunately I am living in an apartment right now and don't have the room to keep a Falcon, Hawk, or Eagle.


I've been reading up on greys since they were recommended to me. So far I am liking everything I see. I am having an issue finding a local breeder around my area (Boise, ID). I have found one local Bird specialty shop that I'm visiting tomorrow that I hope will be able to help me in my search. They did say that they hand raise all their birds from the smallest parakeets to macaws.


Any other questions just ask me. I have a extensive knowledge of handling, transporting, training birds. I am lacking in my knowledge of bird diseases, but its just a crack of the book away. I have loved birds of every type for as long as I can remember and short of having a bird of prey. This would be a dream come true and bring me back to my childhood which wasn't that long ago.

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Well I found 2 Birds locally, one is a 6 y/o TAG who's previous owner was a woman and she didn't seem to like me very much actually she was fine with the shop owner and then when I got a little closer to her and reached out she gave me my first AG bite. :blush: They want 999.00 for bird and cage.


The other one I found today was a male CAG whose hatch date is 7/5/07. He was absolutely gorgeous ohh so sweet. They are still hand feeding him and said he should be weaned with in the month. They are asking 1599 for just the bird but have already hinted at being negotiable on the price.


I did find one place that said they can ORDER a CAG in for me for 800 plus shipping the furthest distance it would come would be about 200 miles. Not sure about this though. As nobody else around here seems to be able to match these prices.

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HI Clay,


Sounds like you have been making your rounds. :-)


1599 is way too high for a CAG. If they are willing to haggle, offer them 950 tops or I would go for a reputable out of area breeder such as you mentioned and pay the airfare, which would still be much more reasonable.


Good luck in your search.

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After weeks of searching I have found the CAG that I will be purchasing. He is an 8 month old male named Tank. I don't pick him up till the 24th :( because I have to go out of town but I am going to spend as much time as I can with him over the next few days till I leave. Then pick him up the day after I get back. I'm going to be parrot proofing my apartment over the next few days. I'm so excited I can't wait to get him home and I'm sad that I couldn't bring him home tonight I would have liked to but I want the transition to be as peaceful as possible for him. The cage that is part of the purchase is HUGE well at least compared to the other cages I have seen over the last few days.


The cage itself is about 4.5 feet high, 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep. With a stand on top and 2 or 3 perches inside and a rope swing/perch about 18 inches fromt he top. also 3 food dishes and 2 water dishes. with one of each on the top play stand.


Tank is an absolutely gorgeous bird I will take my camera with me monday when I go to see him and take some pictures for everybody.

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