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Hi, I'm new to the Forum - Kathy


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Hello, thank you for your warm welcome! My name is Kathy. I live in Phoenix, Arizona. I have one daughter who will be 22 this year who lives in San Francisco. I've been a medical transcriptionist for going on 23 years and working at home for the last 15.


I have been enjoying finches in an indoor aviary for about 5-6 years now. I focus on owl finches but also have 2 canaries, 2 european goldfinches (one without a leg - I adopted him from Petsmart as his let got cut off by the cage door in the store - he's wonderful), 4 gouldians, 8 or so society finches, 2 spice finches, 2 strawberry finches and 2 orange cheeked waxbills.


I have two parakeets also that stay in my office with me while I'm working.


I am finishing up "For the Love of Greys". I wish to complete that book before bringing my baby home. I have ordered other books from Amazon.com -- a couple on Alex and how he learned the way he did.


I would appreciate any feedback on the allocation of time that my Grey should stay in his cage in another room vs. how long during the day he should be on his perch inside my office. He will be in my office and I will turn around occasionally and talk and chit-chat, but for the most part he will only be hearing music in the background and my keystrokes.


I have heard that it is when they are babies is when you don't want to over-cuddle or they will get accustomed to that and may become accustomed to that time frame of "play time". So, your feedback is appreciated on that as well.


I will keep you all posted on when I bring my baby home (first getting the cere issue cleared up-thx).


I'm all giddy on the inside like I will be bringing home a new baby.


Thanks for welcoming me so warmly!


:) :) :)


Kathy (Kasia)

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Hello and welcome to the family, Kathy, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about this special grey you have coming into your life. I am always so in awe of anyone who can open their heart to one with some type of handicap as this one has.


You have chosen an excellent book to read on greys, that is the first one I would recommend to new grey owners, and it is filled with valuable information. You will also find lots of useful information here in our many threads on various topics, read thru them at your leisure.


You are correct that you do not spend any more time with them as babies that you cannot maintain for the rest of their life, they get used to it and then if you cannot keep it up behavior problems can develop.


Thats nice that you can work out of your home and he will love having the company and you can have him out of his cage for as long as you like, he really only needs the cage for when you are not at home and at night.


I can tell that you are very excited and you should be, it is like bringing home a new baby, and I am very happy for you, I know you are going to really enjoy this bird and love it with all your heart.


If you have a picture you would like to share with us we would love to see it, we like to admire the babies, they are so adorable.

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Welcome & congrats on your new baby. I really can't give you any advice on babies,Radar was much older when I got him. Good luck with him, you will have the time of your life.

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Welcome Kathy!!


Thanks for posting such a nice introduction. It sounds like you are taking all the right steps in preparing to bring your new Grey home.


There really is not set "Cage Time" that you must leave your Grey in it. The hours you spend with your Grey per Day can vary without affecting him or her at all, attitude wise. At least that has been my experience since bringing Dayo Home at 15 weeks old.


I took 2 weeks of vacation at that time, just so I could ensure he was watched after, spoon fed (just cause he liked it every now and then), have company in his new home and cage and learn to come out and go in his cage when I wanted him to.


He has been here 2 1/2 Months with us now and is in his Cage 9 hours during the day on week days and he's pretty much out all day sat and sun when were off.


The variance in hours on different days has not had any perceivable affect on his attitude at all. So, play it by ear once your baby comes home and see how he reacts to different cage times and other situations he will find himself in.


Every Grey has a different personality just like us humans. It seems some are lovers, some are clowns, some are shy, some are pit bulls...you get the drift. :-) So let your Grey blossom into who he or she is and enjoy!!


Guess Ive carried on a little too much here, but just wanted to give you some personal insight.


Again, Welcome!!

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Thank you all! I'm sitting here with a huge grin on my face knowing you all are just loving your Greys (and other family member birds) just as much as I have been loving my finches and parakeets and soon-to-be-loving Grey. I will let you know the name I pick out once I get to know his personality. I hope he is not a pit bull -- :ohmy:


You've all eased my mind a bit knowing that there is no right or wrong way except to set the routine on time cuddling in the beginning so he does not grow to expect this attention regularly. Just watch him grow up like a child and enjoy him as his personality blossoms through.


I'm excited to have found this forum. I'll have the guy at the bird store take a picture of me and my baby so I can post it on the site. :cheer:


(All of my other pictures in general have too many pixels. Any hints on how to reduce the size so that it can be uploaded?) That would be great if so!


I'm going to see my baby today for an "almost-ready-to-take-him-home" visit. I'll see

about that picture!


Kathy (Kasia)

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