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Voice of a Grey


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Hi everyone,

Just curious as I never had a baby parrrot... Chioco who is 1.5 yrs old .... I have had him for almost a month now... He whistles all the time, very cleary,loud and alot. When he talks , he talks in this squeaky voice, says alot of phrases..... do you think this squeaky voice is because he is so young and will outgrow it?


Just curious... I love him so much it doesnt matter I was just wondering.

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They do have their own voice, but many times they mimic their owner or someone in the family on different words. My tag has a cute, soft high pitched voice, only sometimes sounding like us. My cag has a voice like a loud hag type voice,mostly, sometimes I hear one of us in her, my amazon, has my voice exactly......every time she speaks.

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I suspect chico is using the previous owners voice, which probably talked to him in a high pitched voice.


I have always talked to my grey in my normal voice and he sounds exactly like me. Fools my wife many times.. :P


Chico will pick up your voice in time. It takes them a while practicing under their breath and calibrating until they have it down exactly. :)

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My 17 month old CAG talks a lot, but she does not sound like me. I have posted several videos of her here. I like her voice, although it is not quite human. I have heard Dayo (danmcq's grey) other CAGs chatting and many do sound just like their owners. It's uncanny how well they imitate the voice. To be honest, I'm sort of glad Gracie has her own little raspy voice rather than mine. I don't know if this will change over time or not. I definately know exactly what she is saying and that is what matters to me. Sometimes she is dead on clear--other times she gets lazy and mumbles or gets "pitchy" or squeaky. In any case it is all intelligible to me.

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Sophie was adopted at age two. She talked in a robatic voice. Within six months she imitated me quite well. She also imitated the boys too. I would yell... Dinner! Ryan would say " coming". Sean would yell " coming"! Nobody came. I got sooooo mad! Come to find out, it was Sophie that had responded. I am half deaf in my right ear, so I can't tell where sound comes from. Sophie was the one coming to dinner. Nancy

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Brutus absolutely mimics my husband's voice. He says a couple of things in my voice and the contrast is remarkable. Mostly though, he speaks in "Larry." He tries really hard to sound EXACTLY like my husband and most of the time he does. I wish he would learn phrases from me, but he waits for Larry to teach him.

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Sophie was adopted at age two. She talked in a robatic voice. Within six months she imitated me quite well. She also imitated the boys too. I would yell... Dinner! Ryan would say " coming". Sean would yell " coming"! Nobody came. I got sooooo mad! Come to find out, it was Sophie that had responded. I am half deaf in my right ear, so I can't tell where sound comes from. Sophie was the one coming to dinner. Nancy


Don't get mad. Just give the dinner to Sophie. The boys will get the message. :D



Steve n Misty

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