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It is time to go night night..


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Thank you so much.

I watched myself yesterday and I was horrified! I thought my English was much better, but I tend to get things confused at times. For example; we have a restaurant here that is called "The Japanese Crepe House", yes you guessed it; without failed I will call it the "Crap House" every time. My daughter hates it!

However I have met Germans that have been in the State way longer than I have, 25 years or so and their accent is horrible and it even hurts my ears:)

It is all good. On the down side, if Jellybean ever decides to talk he will have a German accent?

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Misty tells me when it's bed time. He usually waits for the program I am watching on the tv to end. It shows how smart he his that he can tell the right moment. He says "Bed time" and he is persistant with "Bed time now!" until I come and pick him up but unless I take him to the bathroom first he will not step off my hand and into his cage. If have to go back in the room to collect my glasses or whatever after he has retired, he will say in a very quiet voice "You alright baby?" or "You OK?" and then "Bed time" . In the morning he always greets me with "Hello baby" It may seem a little odd an ancient chap like me being called Baby by a parrot but it always starts my day off well:D


Steven Misty

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Cute video of Jellybean going to bed. He seemed very well behaved during the process. :)


Dayo would never go to bed if he had his choice. Our nighttime ritual when we are ready to hit the sack is I turned the TV and sound system off, then get him to step up on to my arm as I gently tell him it is time to go to bed. Once he is on my arm, I bring my other hand around and gently cup his wings in my hand and pull him close to my chest as we walk in to the family room where the cages reside and place him on a perch inside his cage, then close the door. Since he is flighted, I do need to cup the wings obviously. We then both tell him good night and cover his cage.

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