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I hope she is lying


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yesterday I had an extra child due to a winter storm, so my house was a bit crazy with her wanting to go home and me wishing she could. I went outside to have a smoke and heard my daughter screaming about something so I flew in the house to hear her yelling "Storm talked, Storm talked" she said he said hello. I hope she is lying because if he really did I missed it :( ...he isn't quite 6 months old (jan 3 he will be) is it even possible he did this? I tried to get him to do it again but the cheeky bum won't :(

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Hi. It is very possible indeed that Storm talked. First of all, Storm is a TAG and they often begin talking at around six months. CAGs usually start later. Also, greys are known to talk when their "owners" leave the room. Don't worry that you have missed something. This is just the beginning. My CAG said her first phrase "step up" at about 8 months. Now she is 17 months and talks non-stop with about 80 words in her vocabulary. Believe me, if storm turns out to be a talker, you will certainly get an ear full in due time.

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I have three parrots that all talk, except Louie and Sterling only talk for me, except if I am on the telephone then all three talk nonstop. Sounds like I"m having a party they rattle on and on with every word they know very loudly.


Of course Sterling is also an in the dark talker. I feel sorry for anyone who comes into my home unannounced as Sterling, who is always is trouble likes to say, "get out of there". That would scare the beejesus out of me if I was sneaking around where I shouldn't be.

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LOL It would scare me too! Hubby gets up really early and tries not to disturb the rest of the household when he leaves for work (3:30 AM). He doesn't turn any lights on downstairs. He said he about jumped out of his skin the first time Timber said "goodbye" as he was walking out the door.

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YES HE TALKS!! I have no clue what he is saying at this point b/c it isn't very clear...but he has this robotic tone to his voice and he talks in a man voice....he was raised by a female and he lives with females, so shouldn't he speak like a girl??? LOL thats actually a funny thought, a male speaking in a female tone lmao. But yes he really does talk. Not often just yet but 2ce today I heard that robotic tone and a word but not clear enough to hear it kwim?? not even 6 months old and talking. Clearly I have a genius TAG !!!

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I video Felix when we are at work sometimes just to see what he is doing alone. He has started talking too. It's in a male voice it seems but I can't understand any words yet. He still won't do this when we are home but I hope he starts to soon.

This is him at 15 weeks talking when he thought I wasn't home:




Timneh's are VERY smart!

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