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Jellybean update....


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things are going great.

I learned to trust him more and he will now step up on the stick I am using without much biting.

Since I noticed that his biting slowed down I am trying to really interact with him. When I am fixing his breakfast or dinner I have him on the counter with me, when I am taking a shower he is in the bathroom. Basically just have him with me and interact with him.

He is still very hesitant to step up on my hand, but that is my fault. I was afraid of being bitten and now he has to learn to trust my hand.

I am very happy with the progress he is making, but I wonder if the statements of the previous owners were correct. They said he was out all day, flying and interacting.

Since we got him his flying improved a lot and he is able to focus in on objects and land on them.

I am not using the stick and glove anymore and I hope he will learn to trust my hand soon.

As of now I can offer my hand and he will test me with his beak without biting and drawing blood.


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