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Miki isnt speaking or mimicking yet??


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I got Miki one and a half month back. She makes all different sounds that she had learnt earlier I guess..but she yet doesnt mimic my whistles or doesnt speak. She must be around 3 or 4. Do you think she will ever talk or even mimic our sounds.. She is kind of alone for around 10 hours a day. I can only leave the music on for her. I do leave her papers to shred and things she could play with but she generally drops it off or get bored in 10 minutes of giving it to her! Shes not in a cage and is on a perch...so she doesnt even go down to pick it up..Any suggestions on what I can do to keep her entertained..Im a little worried that she shouldnt resort to feather plucking.

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There's many greys that don't talk. They will make loads of sounds and even imitate the everyday sounds of people in their own voice(parrotese). The trick is to learn what those sounds mean. In order to do that you need to study what she's doing when she's making those sounds. After a while you'll see that she makes the same sounds when those actions are taking place. I have greys that don't mimic human sounds or words yet I know every thing they say when they say it and what it means. Human talking is overrated. I can tell you that these parrot sounds/imitations that a bird will say won't show up as quickly when the bird is alone all day. The music won't do anything except keep her calm. Putting all sorts of toys in with a bird won't speed up the process because playing with toys has nothing to do with making sounds. The only way to relieve boredom is to be around the bird and interacting with the bird on an every day basis. Sometimes plucking can happen to a bird when left alone all the time but since it hasn't happened yet, that problem should be talked about if it does happen.

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You might also want to check out foraging toys or boxes. My TAG loves to forage. He has a couple of toys specifically for that purpose that I put things in, and I make cardboard boxes for him. I put shredded paper, a foot toy, a walnut or almond (slightly cracked so he can get to it) and that kind of thing in it. They do crave human interaction though, so it's important to spend as much time as possible interacting with Miki. The more time I spend with Timber the more responsive and verbal he is. I think if they spend too much time alone, they withdraw.

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marcos gonna be 1 on sunday and makes all sorta sounds, mumbles or chatters a bit and says peekaboo but thats it and really if thats all that ever happens that'll be just fine with me cuz like Dave has said, you will totally learn how to communicate with her and what she is saying to you in her OWN way :D :D :D

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I got Miki one and a half month back.......... Shes not in a cage and is on a perch...so she doesnt even go down to pick it up..Any suggestions on what I can do to keep her entertained..Im a little worried that she shouldnt resort to feather plucking.


Do I understand this correctly that she spends all her time on a perch? Being alone for 10 hours a day is not good. Greys should have company. They are social beings they need the interaction that only a companion, human or avian can provide. Toys are no substitute. Without this and being restricted she will get depressed. It seems that she has found no way to bond with you properly. You will need to spend a lot of time with her and give her opportunities to explore her new home and be properly mentally simulated.


Steve n Misty

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