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Hello!! New Family here!!

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Hi, all!! Let us introduce ourselves and tell our story! I am Bambi (mommy) I have wanted an african grey ever since i first seen one back in 1995. A few weeks ago I finally got one. i call her Jesse. She is a CAG From what I understand of her story, she was named Smokey and is approx 9 years old. I was told that her mommy got sick and had to go to the hospital so she gave her to a nice lady so she would have a good home. I had placed an add online looking for an AG. This ladys brother seen the ad and emailed me! I went and got her that night! We have had her for about a month. She has bonded with me, and tolerates others when she wants to! She talks alot, so far she has not come out with any bad words.. I am hoping she doesnt!!

We signed up so we can cruise around the site and connect with others while learning about ourselves!! Well she is yelling for me now! Have a great day!

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Welcome to you both! My Shadow (CAG) was 8 years when we adopted over a year ago. It has been a fabulous journey. Sounds like things are going well. I hope you enjoy this forum as much as I have. It has been an indispensable resource and source of comfort during difficult times. Do you have any pictures you could share?

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What a beautiful beginning for you and Jesse. Sometimes the right moment presents itself, but it sounds like you took the initiative and found the right moment to place that ad and find your girl. Your introduction just begs for us to learn more about you. Thanks so much for joining us and sharing your story.

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Hi all!! Thanks for the warm welcome!!! I tried to type a message a few minutes ago and add file but it wouldn't let me. )-; I am using my phone, so that might be why!! Can anyone tell me how to upload a profile pic!? I do have a few pics in albums but not sure how to do it!!

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Hello Bambi and welcome to our family.

So glad you found Jesse and it sounds like you are getting along nicely, most rehomes do not adjust as quickly as Jesse has so it must have been your long love of greys that has helped make it happen, she is one lucky fid to have found you.

We do love pictures here so if you have some of Jesse you would share with us we would love to see them.

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