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Total chaos in my home.... once again


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I am so happy my boys are home from college. Birds are as well. Birds are out of control with excitement, kids are thrilled to see them. Only problem is, I am going to school, i can't handle the extra stimuli, study and do well. I'm being a grouch! I can now appreciate people who go to school, and have all this external stimuli that interveres in learning. Sophie can't wait for me to be done with this class. I have actually closed the bird room so I could study. She was DEFINITELY annoyed. One more day, and I;m done. Nancy

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Once the crunch is over you will be able to relax and enjoy all the excitement in the house again. It is nerve wracking until you get that final out of the way. Hope you don't have to wait too long to see the results so you can put it all out of your mind for the holidays.

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Yay! I got a 90 on my final test. All is good. I am now human again.

Jocelyn... we all struggled with our birds favoring one over another. I truly got annoyed that I would do all the work and Sophie would prefer Ryan. WHAT? WHY? I did all the feeding, cleaning cages, get up in the middle of the nite when she had a bad dream. I did all the education, teaching stepup and stepdown and got bit. Cleaned her cage, fed her, gave her fresh fruits and veggies and dealt with her throwing them at me in refusal. But in the end... I sent my boys off to college, the birds were fine with this. They talk to them on the phone and have never had an issue with them being gone. Now they are home. All the birds are happy and excited. Ryan is singing and playing the guitar, Sophie is singing with him. Kiki is chasing Sean's feet, her favorite game. I am happy and content. My goal was for all our birds to love the entire family. My goal was met... plus some! Nancy

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