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Storm is so funny, he makes us laugh ALL.THE.TIME. I think he might be trying to talk but when he gets going he sounds like a 13 yr old boy entering puberty the way his little voice squeaks lol. I think when he finally does start to talk he will be a chatter box and never shut up lol. He gets going with so many different sounds ans seems like he can't stop. HE scared himself silly last night and fell off his perch, he was making clucks and whistles and such and let out a new sound and he was so startled by it, he fell off his perch lol.


Echo is a great talker, you can actually have a fairly decent conversation with him, and most of the time his answers are appropriate he has about 150 words, which for a quaker is awesome...took my daughter to the first day of school last year and I came home:


Me: I echo I'm home

Echo: whats the matter

me: I just dropped sissy girl off to school an I'm a bit sad

Echo: its ok, it's ok


I also do rescue work with orphaned kittens, I bottle feed them until they are ready to be socialized, I always introduce Echo the babes after their eyes have opened, and he always say "no biting" not sure of he is telling them not to bite him or telling them they are no to bite him...lol


LOL, he is such a wee love. Now if I could get him to say "no biting" before he bites" and "good morning" in the morning and not when I trying to put him to bed lol.


But if Storm is anything like Echo, our household will be filled with voices (not the ones in my head either lol) barking orders, making phone sounds, fire alarms sounds, general chatting etc etc..I am excited to hear him talk and I don't think it's gonna be that much longer at the rate he is going, by Spring I bet.

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Echo is a funny little sport. It is precious that he greets the kittens and knows there should be no biting from any housemates. LOL. Java hasn't talked much and I didn't think it would matter if Gilbert did because they communicate with so many other sounds. Then when either of them says something spot on to put their two cents into the conversations here or to interject their "opinion" it still amazes and fascinates me. You are having a great time getting Storm and Echo acclimated, it sounds like a fun place to live.

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