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grey noises?


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Does anyone have a video of a grey playing and making sounds that are not words, but general grey noises...I am trying to decide what the noise he makes at his toys in in fun or if he is ticked off.


It's "The Attack of the Pterodactyl" Remember, parrots won't be domesticated [like dog's cat's and husbands] for over 200,000,000 years, their still wild...

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I think the "pterodactyl noises" are the only true grey sound Brutus makes. I wish he made them more often because he seems to forget who he is and gets lost in being a wild African Grey, and that makes me happy.


Is it something that Brutus grew out of? Jake does it quite often but he's a baby still. I try and encourage hard play. He takes great joy in standing on his boing, flapping his wings, and screaming while the boing goes in circles.

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Felix doesn't make the pterodactyl noise much. However, the first time he did, I shouted, "Oh my God" and ran to him. He was on top of his cage and I just knew he had gotten his leg stuck or something. He just looked at me like I was crazy and went back to playing. Scared me to death!

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Brutus is more of a sedate gentleman. He has a wild period in the afternoon, but most of the time he eats, gets scratches, or is sitting talking, or sitting staring off into space grinding his beak. I only hear the wild noises about once a month. He is getting hormonal and willful now so I expect to see more incidences of bravado pretty soon. I just think Greys are all so different. He is not hyper or nervous at all like I see in other greys.

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Jake does it just because its fun. He'll be on one of his boings, bend over and grab onto another section of the boing, and flap his wings with every ounce of strength he has while screaming his head off. After a minute or so he'll stop to look around before starting it again. It happens almost every day but not always at the same time or on the same boing.

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Brutus sounds a lot like my Felix, chezron. He is fairly quiet most all of the time. He will cluck at his toys when he is playing with them but most of the time he sits and preens or sleeps. I videoed him yesterday for about 2 hours while no one was at home. He sat in his cage and chattered to himself for a good 45 minutes. It was hilarious. He was definitely talking but I couldn't make any of it out. He doesn't do this when we are home though.

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Mickey also goes crazy when he plays with his favourite toy. I usually put him outside in the Aviary during the warm summer days and every now and again he screetches and screams whilst attacking the toy hanging upside down. I got such a fright the first time this happended i almost fainted thinkis he was hurt or something bit him.

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