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hello all, new grey owner here


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An acquaintance of mine sadly had to give up their grey due to a family members allergies after 20+ years of owning + loving him and I am now the proud owner.


His name is Wally and I am going to try to do all I can to make him feel at home asap, the poor guy, I feel so bad for him with the drastic changes he is now going through.


I also have 4 chihuahuas that are very intrigued with Wally and wondering who the new addition to the family is... kinda freaking him out. (they can not get near his cage though, they just bark cause they know he is there)


My main concern is getting him as comfortable as possible as fast as possible. I just got him last night and this morning he took treats from my hand and happily sat there eating looking out his new window. :) (he did not have a window view prior, so hopefully this will be a plus in his new surroundings)


I hope to have a long, happy & healthy relationship with Wally and you guys here at this forum. Looks like a nice crowd in here, thanks for creating this place.


Glad to be here!

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Welcome to our Grey world. Do let him have time to adjust on his own schedule, the window sounds like a hit for his happy place. Wally is a fun name and he sounds like he is doing very well so far. It shouldn't be too long before he has those dogs coming to his call and running to the door for outside time, hopefully the new will wear off after a while as dogs can be a danger, even little dogs.

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Hi there! This is a great place! I'm fairly new, but there's so much goodwill and good information here, you can't help but learn!


I have a chihuahua, too, and I'll tell you, I would probably never let her around my birds a. for their safety and b. for hers. While she could do fatal damage, I feel like our grey could probably take a fairly large chunk out of her hide! I'm also learning that the birds tend to be more high-strung for awhile after she has a attack of 'the barks'. Charlie gave me the stinkeye for about an hour earlier today after the tiny dog attempted to bark the FedEx guy to death. The dog is interested in the birds insofar as they will drop food off the tops of the cages for her, but as far as hoping they'd be friends one day, I wouldn't count on it.


Of course, my dog is a monster, I can't lie. :)


Good luck and welcome to you and Wally!

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Hello Mrsray and welcome to our family.

So glad to hear you were willing to give Wally a new forever home, he will need time to settle in and feel comfortable so give him plenty of time and be patient as he goes thru the changes, he will let you know when he is ready for more interaction.

I highly doubt Wally will ever be "friends" with the dogs especially chihuahuas as they are notorious for lots of barking at anything and everything and yes Wally could take an ear off of one of them or do serious damage but there is also the possibility of one of the dogs getting a bite in on Wally and they have bacteria in their mouths that could make Wally very sick or die so you must supervise any time he is out with the dogs present.

On the plus side though is the dogs will keep the floor clean around the cage for any food flung out will end up in the dog's stomachs.

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Heyyyy and welcome to mr. wally :) you will just love having him. Uhm... if your dogs are lil yippers ... guess what wally's gonna pick up? I have a min-pin and a teacup yorkie (both big yippers) and yup Marco now barks like them :mad: they do love to clean up ALLLLLLLL the food she flings tho but .. I dont see any type of friendship at all. Marco likes to fly to my BIG dogs cage (hes a full grown retriever) and sit on his door and hes scared to come out if shes there LOL :rolleyes: she has definately leaned down to take a nip out of him .... hasnt yet but I try to be VERY careful for both of their safety. :D you will do great

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Thanks everybody! Greywings, you stated "as dogs can be a danger, even little dogs" ... is it possible that somewhere down the line they might be more like "friends"?


Our grey came to us from a breeder who also breeds chihuahuas. Cibo "barks" like one, and apparently used to chuck food at them for fun. lol

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Hi Mrsray and thanks for the great introduction. We have Gilbert, an age 11'ish rehomed Timneh residing with us for almost two years. He isn't able to fly so his door is open any time I can be nearby. We also have two small dogs, mini dachshunds, and yes indeed he does bark at them as well as admonish them to be quiet. Ours haven't gotten to be friends except as others say... he will fling food down to them and call their name. They were very interested in him at first but now they barely look in his direction unless he calls for them and flings them a pellet or tricks them with an empty almond shell. They probably won't ever be friends but we have reached a peaceful accord. I wouldn't leave the main floor without taking the dogs with me, or closing Gilbert's cage to protect him, especially with two against one, but also because a loud noise might startle him off his cage and a dog's instinct would be to chase him if he runs. It won't be long before Wally figures things out, it sounds like a very calm and successful turnover to your home. Congratulations on being Wally's new friend, there is nothing else in the world like living with a grey. Warm welcome to you.

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Hi and welcome. I have a papillion who is only 6 lbs and barked all the time when I got Chico a month ago. It lasted 2 weeks with the barking, now Pepper my papilion doesn't care at all about him, neither does my Standard Poodle or 2 cats. My amazon can walk on the floor and none of them bother with him either. But never do I let them alone, I don't trust anyone of them with each other, never know who will get who - so far I have never had a problem with my dogs or cats.

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