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Flight training?


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I'm curious: is it possible that our Charlie never learned to fly? The people that surrendered him to us said they didn't keep him clipped, and he's fully feathered but each and every time he tries to 'fly', he falls like a rock. Poor baby. I purchased some inexpensive - and washable - pillows to put around his cage, and he doesn't do it often, but enough to make me wonder.


And, if that's the case, is it possible to train them to fly? Or at least to fall with a little more style? :D

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Yes it is, Pookie came to us unflighted after 21 years with her first family who kept her clipped. That flying like a rock describes her perfectly. It took a while for her to gain those primary feathers and all she could do was flap furiously. We started taking her into the bedroom and gently launching her toward the bed from about 18 inches away gradually working the distance further as she gained strength. For the first few months of this "flight school" she could only fly downwards now she can fly and land precisely when ever and where ever she wishes. She has been with us for about 5 years now and it has taken the first two years to get this good a flying and landing improved after that. More caution with cooking, electric wires and open doors and windows is required. I do believe it gives them more confidence when they can fly and definitely more healthy exercise.

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Another suggestion... f you have a room big enough, practice flight with another person on the other side of the room. We did this with Sophie. I started the flight, with Ryan on the other side waiting for her. She understood quickly, her goal was to land on Ryan.

she thinks Ryan is the "greatest" thing that ever landed on this planet! LOL! She did very well.

While Kiki our Amaon who was a baby when we got her, can fly anywhere with perfect takeoff and landing, I noticed Sophie has been trying to imitate her takeoffs and is doing a really good job! Much better flight! She continues to imitate her, and is learning. Nancy

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I had the same problem with Jellybean, although not quite that bad.

The previous owner stated that he loves to fly, but when he came to my house he really had problems navigating. Of course he had to learn the "lay of the land" so to speak, but I thought he should be better at it.

I have noticed that he can not make quick changes while in flight and ended up on the floor twice today.

Not sure if this had to do with their house being smaller and he didn't have enough room to really practice or they overstated on his outside cage time.

He started with very short flights, then went into figure eights starting and ending on his cage. Now he is doing a full circle around our house, on a good day;)

However, he is getting better every day and, in my mind, that is what counts.

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