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New baby grey Rosie


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Hi first post and after some moral support I guess.


Got my new baby grey Rosie today and its fare to say I'm tiered! I think she had a stressful trip here today so her welcome gift was a good bite that drew blood, I sucked it up and didn't make a fuss. However by this evening she was stepping up on my hand and had a few flights with crashes around the lounge.


I could only get her to eat apple and pomegranate so I'm a little worried about her going to sleep not full. Rosie looked tiered and was starting to roost so I put her cage cover on and all is quite so hopefully she's ok!


Think I did ok?


but I do feel a little stressed!:confused:




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Many thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay I was asleep! Lol


Rosie is from a breeder in the uk and I had been waiting patiently for her for a long time and she finally arrived yesterday. Like I said she had about a four hour trip here in a van which clearly stressed her but she seems much better. Not eating much but clearly relaxed now as she has been standing on one leg pruning and chirping away.


As you said I guess stress is expected at first until we both adjust. I'm looking forward to the challenge of training her and in particular being able to take her out and about in the summer. I have brought an aviator harness which I will introduce to her soon once she's properly settled.


How about you what bird/birds do you have and how's the weather in Texas? It's freezing here at the mo -3 degrees!


Thanks again,


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It sounds like you are off to a great start with her! I'm sure she will be wanting comfort food soon so be ready for some crying from her, lol. One of mine is 5 yrs old and still demands food warm and spoon fed! Its fine though because it will help in the future if meds ever need to be given. I have 2 greys, 2 blue and gold macaws and a umbrella cockatoo. Your journey has just begun and there will be ups and downs, just take it one day at a time and enjoy. Like kids, they grow up so fast! Ha, the weather here is weird, Sunday we started in shorts around 70, then by 3 in the afternoon in the low 30's. Since then we have been freezing temps in the evenings but 60-70 during the day. Suprised we are all not sick!

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Hello Chris and welcome to our family.

Congrats on your new addition of Rosie and it is perfectly natural for them to be stressed at first, after all everything is new and different to her and she needs time to settle into her new home and feel comfortable so just allow her plenty of time and be very patient with her.

She is a beautiful baby grey, I saw the picture in your other thread, I just love the baby eyes, so sweet and adorable at this age.

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