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is it possible he hates me?


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I know he trusts me but at the same time I think he hates me


I believe he has trust because when his nail got caught up in his cage, he did beak me but it was so gentle and he never once applied pressure, hissed or growled.


However I think he might not like me too much b/c the past 2 days when i get to close to him, he spreads his wings the tiniest amounts and starts making almost like grunting noises, he doesn't go to bite me, but he just does this thing with his wings and the noise. I can easily pick him up and love on him, and if I leave the room he will be sure to follow me. I have no issues with caring for him, he only does this when I get close to him and as I said it isn't mean or agressive by any means...I don't know what I have done to make him start doing this. maybe he just doesn't like me near his cage? maybe it isn't me at all but a "grey thing"....he just turned 5 months old, and has only been with us about 4 weeks. I have never hurt him, I give him all sorts of attention, love and scritches, he gets lots of food and toys. He has learned the difference between red, green and purple and will pick the right colour you ask him to almost all the time, so he is smart. No he doesn't talk yet, but wow does he have an assortment of whistles and clucks.....I have been trying to figure out what I have done and I just can't think of anything, other than helping him remove his foot, and scooping him off the ground when he tries to fly after me. He does this with nobody else and everyone can touch him or hold him, they don't get the wing thing or the grunts, just me. ....so.....what do you think?

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sounds like he loves you! it sounds like he's doing the "baby" bird thing, making a sound, "fluttering" the wings-kind of like "i'm a baby, you're my parent, look at me, take care of me, pay attention to me cause i love you". our girls still do this on occasion when they see us or if we have something in our hands that they want. but i'm no expert, so please wait and see what others with more experience have to say!

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lol, flutter wasn't really the correct word (still waiting for the coffee to kick in), but yeah, holding wings slightly away from body, possibly leaning forward a bit, making a noise, following your every move. if that's what he's doing, i really do think he's doing the "i'm a baby bird" behavior. like i said, sometimes our girls do this and they're not babies-athena is almost 10 years old and kallie is 4 years old, but they still do this sometimes!! its very cute. but still, wait and see what more experienced members have to say, i could be very, very wrong!!!

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OMG! Felix does this exact same thing too. He is also 5 months old and I've had him for almost 3 months. He holds his wings out from his body (looks as if he is hot and is trying to cool off) and makes a cooing sound (sounds like a dove sort of). I definitely think they are telling us that they love us and are so happy we are in front of them. At first I wondered if it was a dominance or sexual thing going on but I think he is too young for sexual maturation yet. And he isn't aggressive at all and immediately hops onto my hand so I realized it wasn't a dominance thing either. He doesn't do it everyday but I am definitely going to appreciate it more in the future when he does.

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