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chloe fighting with a walnut shell

chloe's mom

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I gave chloe some walnuts and she was eating them and all of a sudden she is yelling bad nut over and over again, so I was watching to see what she was doing and she was banging the shell on the bars and kept yelling bad nut then I saw one of her toe nails was pinched between the shell and she finally got it loose but after that she starting throwing all the walnuts around her cage and said bad nut lol. so I guess she doesn't want them anymore.

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That is a remarkable reaction by Chloe. it shows a high level of understanding of the word "Bad" which is quite an abstract concept. Very smart bird but does she now think that all walnuts are out to get her? Has she simply gone nuts?


I always break a small hole in the walnuts I give Misty to make sure he can get into them and also to check that they have not gone bad.


Steve n Misty

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I had some walnuts recently and I let Jasper have a whole one to see what he would do. He tossed it around a few times..*bang* onto the seed guard..the other day I was cage cleaning and pulled his playtop tray out and there was the nut, broken open in half but the meat not even touched. Maybe he doesn't like walnuts?

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