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Vehicle US to Canada Travel with Parrots


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I wanted to post my travel experience because it is very hard to get comprehensive information on travel between Canada and the US. In fact it was nearly impossible to find out exactly what to do. So here is some information which I hope will be helpful to someone out there.

Here are the steps to take:


You need to get CITES passports issued by each country. They last 3 years. They are issued by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Environment Canada. The US cost is $50. This process is sequential, so u need to allow about 8 months to get them both, starting with your own country first. You also need to designate a US port of entry and there are only a few major crossings that handle birds. Check the USFWS site. Also the bird must have ID; a chip or a band. Sorry, but this is a requirement.


You must have an adequate cage with enough space and one that does not touch your luggage and can not move in the vehicle. It helps to be able to reach and give food treats, etc if the passenger can while driving. I suggest a trial test of this before you leave. I placed a travel size cage in a cardboard box bottom to act as a spacer to other articles. Otherwise beaks will be busy shredding...


You really should make reservations at hotels, motels that take pets. Do research ahead of time so you dont struggle with this. Not many do, so avoid this frustration. Do take the bird out of the travel cage at any overnight stay and play and exercise them. They are cooped up all day and need this.


You must make an appointment with the USFWS coming into and leaving the US. This is probably the most onorous aspect, so I would do this about 3 weeks ahead if you can and keep the number handy if you need to make any last minute changes.


When you get to the border there are about 3 forms to fill from USDA. They can be obtained and done and checked ahead of time to save you time at customs. USFWS can help you with this.


Crossing is simple. leaving US : check out at customs USFWS the a simple check in at Can customs and pasports are stamped.


Entering US is reverse except you must add a USDA vet first come first served inspection. This is done after the USFWS routine. total cost is about $340 leaving US plus $40 vet inspection entering. No Canadian costs. The bird does not have to leave the vehicle. No prior vet inspections are required.


I hope this helps somebody make an easier trip. If you need help with specifics let me know. I just made the snowbird trip from Canada to FL and our little guy made it safe and sound and we had a pretty good parrot travel experience. If there is a will there is a way!

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