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Hi everyone! My name is Stefanie, and while I am not new to parrots in general, greys are definitely a new thing! I've been a long-time lurker here at the forums, as there is a WEALTH of great information on all sorts of birds here! Thanks for that! You guys are great, so I decided to show my face, so to speak. :P


I have run an exotic animal rescue for about fifteen years now, with the scars to match. Mostly, we've taken in snakes, lizards and small mammals with the occasional parrot / bird. I'm a pro and pulls and placements! I spent ten years at a zoological institution and actually placed a number of animals there, including two greys who now work as educational ambassadors! In June, I "retired" to work with my animals full time.


About a month ago, I received a call from an elderly couple that had an adult male grey who needed a new home. It wasn't that the people weren't the right people, they were beginning to have a number of health issues requiring hospital stays and surgeries, and Charlie was not getting the attention he deserved.


We've had our work cut out for the last three weeks with Charlie. Unfortunately, he hasn't been given all that much contact for the last few years, and has been allowed to rule the roost. It was about ten days before he would even allow any of us near. There has been terror and much biting. Mostly upon my person. I spend most of my days in my office, and he lives right next to my desk in the hopes that at some point, he would just stop being so afraid of me. I had even reconciled myself to the fact that he was just going to be like a few of our other animals. Beautiful to look at, but forbidden to touch.


Today, out of nowhere, when I walked up to him on his perch, he immediately bowed to be scratched - he started this about four days ago - and then started the regurgitation dance, with lots of little clucks and noises that sounded a little like a dog whining. I actually thought he was in distress. I walked out to grab my phone to call a vet friend of mine, and when I went back in, he was hanging out preening. A little research makes me think that maybe he just thinks I'm okay? After a few minuted of his doing this again, I attempted to pet him. He let me scratch his neck, rub his back, pet his beak and he stepped up!


I guess I should ask if this kind of out-of-the-blue thing is realistic or am I missing something major? He's had a full vet check and was dubbed heavy, but healthy! I'd appreciate any thoughts or warnings, tips or suggestions anyone has!


Meanwhile, I'll be around reading and looking at pictures! I'll try to get my own up as soon as possible. I haven't wanted to have the camera out on Charlie too much since he tends to be panic-y about new things. However, the rest of the animals around here are total camera hogs.


Thanks again for having such a great place! And thanks for having me! I'm looking forward to talking to all of you!

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Welcome Stephanie! It's always good to see an older bird find a new home. It sounds like Charlie might think you are a bit too "okay" if he is regurging and doing a bit of a mating dance. LOL You might want to limit the back rubs. I rehomed my Shadow last fall and it has been an incredible journey full of ups and downs. Just when I think I have her figured out, she changes the rules, but I can't imagine life without her. There is so much info here that you could spend weeks trying to read it all. However, there are so many great stories and experiences combined with real facts and honest opinions, it is worth the read!!

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Thank you guys so much! It's another good day here at the casa. I've gotten kisses and a step-up!

Unfortunately, it's also cage-cleaning day. If it was just the two birds, it would be no biggie, but added to the rest of the menagerie, it will actually be a day-long process.


Ah, the joys of animals...


Thanks again!!

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Hi, I've posted this before, I hope it might help......

Rescue #1 JOEY


Joey: Congo African Grey Parrot

Present Age: Four years old

Abuse Type: Mental and Severe Psychological (No visible sign of Physical abuse)

We know the pet store that Joey had originally been purchased from. He had been weaned and clipped, never allowed to fly. For the next two years we had no record and we have not been able to speak to the previous owners. After purchasing Joey and with some help also with help from Joey himself, we have been able piece together some of his past history and his previous owners.

His previous owners were a well-established young couple. The female was never fond of any types of pets, did not fit her lifestyle. Joey had favored the male and there had been a bonding but it wasn’t a healthy bonding. Shortly after getting Joey, which brought problems to the marriage, the male was more interested in maintaining harmony than integrating Joey.

This brought about bickering over Joey between the two owners with the female getting more and more agitated, putting him in a small room by himself, being ignored by both of them except for cage cleaning, food and water. There was a lot of arguments that took place within earshot of Joey, possible marital abuse, yelling at Joey by both of them, cage being tapped, arguments about whether to keep Joey or get rid of him.

At this point, the owners decided, (not mutually) to get rid of Joey. So, at this point, Joey and his cage was taken to a pet store where the owner agreed to hold him for awhile and let Joeys owners visit him for a while (which was wrong). They only visited him three times over the next six months, arguing in his presence each time. At this point in time, we took Joey into our hearts and home.


The Homecoming:
We didn’t know this young Grey’s name, so we called him Jim (Kirk) to go along with Spock. At this time, we had enough birds for everyone in the city. He was a quiet bird and would sit in his cage in the back and be soundless. He would let you change his water and food (he had been on seeds only diet). He would also shake if you came near the cage and would constantly head-search while chewing his toe-nails. He was extremely neurotic…he was a small bird and looked like he might have been stunted from lack of a proper diet. We introduced him to everyone and we did not attempt to hold him. We talked to him and talked to our other fids in front of him. If we saw that he was being extremely nervous, we would go out of our way to stop and talk to him with a “Hi Jim” etc, and we were slowly discovering the depth of his psychological and mental abuse. We left the cage door open whenever we were home and awake which at this stage was 24/7.

One day, Jay left the room and in the most concerned voice, Joey called out “Hello! Are you okay?” When Jay came back, Joey was standing at the open door looking down the hallway, looking for Jay to come back. He would also say “Hello”, “How are you?” at this time. He also started talking to himself…bringing up his past two years. While shaking badly, he would say things like “Are you going to feed me?” “Get a lawyer”, “You can run but you can’t hide!” “LIAR!”

He would make crying sounds…he would do this while we were not in the room (plus other things too sad to say). During this period, we were introducing him to all sorts of fresh veggies and fruits. (It has taken over a year to get him to eat veggies and fruits)

Besides his ruminations, he also started talking, calling to the other fids, calling us by name, singing but always reverting to his old self and chewing his nails and shaking. Out of nowhere, as Jay and I were walking by his cage, he looked Jay straight in the eye and said, “I’m Joey, NOT Jim”. He told us this twice (imagine us with our jaws on the ground) and we had to start changing his name on our threads.

Now and into the Future:
Joey lets us hold him and play with him more each day. He is coming out of the closet so to speak…he is an ideal parrot in a number of ways but it is all from his abuse years. He has built his life on his own routines. He eats at the same time each day, he talks at the same time each day, he preens himself at the same time each day…he definitely has obsessive-compulsive tendencies. For the last two months we have not heard him say anything from his abusive past. He has a growing vocabulary and strong cognitive abilities which we believe has roots in his abusive years. He lets us hold him when he wants to. At times, he is very cage-territorial and he stays on his cage. He will perch and let you take him from his cage for a few moments only. We have a perch on the outside of his cage and he likes to spend most of his time looking out the window. He is extremely vocal and interacts with Spock and Salsa and lets both of them eat and drink from his bowls and he plays tail-chase with both of them on his cage. He is very insecure anywhere away from his cage. It is an ongoing process to try to get him comfortable enough to stay away from his cage. He has attempted to fly on four-five occasions to fly and they have been disastrous. This is definitely due to the fact that he was constantly clipped. (We have set out pillows on his common landing areas that is more often missed than hit.)

At times, he will revert to something that triggers his bad memories and will pin his eyes and draw blood out of the clear blue. Once he snaps out of it, he is very affectionate and loving.

The Future continues:
On-going Progress: In the last couple of weeks, Joey has made some amazing changes. To everyone’s surprise, when you open his cage in the morning, he will hang from the top of the cage, wait for you to support him with your hand and involve you in beaky play. He will hang with one foot and grab your hand with the other (Yikes!) and play roughly while talking to you. (Non-Sexual) He’s molting and he’s also found out that a human finger is excellent for rubbing the pin feathers at the bend of the leg where it touches the body. In the few moments that he lets you hold him, he has leaned against our chest (on his own) and cuddled.

Now and Beyond:
Daily, you can still see the pain that he has endured. When he thinks we are not observing him, he reverts to his shaking and nail chewing to a lesser extent. His most recent trait that the past is still current in is memory is when we have to leave, he will let out a couple of loud contact calls and puff up to almost twice his size and stare and you and call while you are leaving. It is so sad…

They NEVER forget…any abuse is a major and daily part of their lives and they live with it….it is always there to haunt them.


Jayd and Maggie

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Stefanie- You have some lucky animals to have you in their life! I am transferring to a four year school in the fall, and will be majoring in the Zoology program. I am not sure if you read the Grey Cognition post but I briefly touched base on it in there. In short, I am super excited to get started! lol I have always had better luck with animals than people in some situations. I will hopefully be starting an internship program this summer with the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. Kudos to you and all of your hard work over these past 15 years and continuing!

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Hi Stefanie, Thanks for joining us. I would love to have you start a thread on Charlie in the rescue room once you become acquainted with the forum and wonderful members we are blessed with here at Grey Forums. Do you know how old Charlie is and if he is a Timneh or Congo grey? Our family rehomed a little Timneh African Grey (TAG) who is likely about eleven years old now. A lot of our rescues and rehomes are unsettled from changes and being in an unfamiliar place and once they feel safe, you see lots of different behaviors. When you described Charlie doing the regurgitation and noises it does sound a lot like the mating dance with droopy wings, clucking and "whining". When Gilbert first came, he went through a little of that, we just redirected him and he has become more friendly and interested without it becoming a "love" overture. It sounds like you have great instincts and are doing well to keep Charlie near you so he is in a place with activity where he can sort out what his place is his new home. Are you planning to keep him permanently or are you fostering him to find him a permanent home? I would love to know more about your life with Charlie. Thanks so much for joining us.

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Stefanie- You have some lucky animals to have you in their life! I am transferring to a four year school in the fall, and will be majoring in the Zoology program. I am not sure if you read the Grey Cognition post but I briefly touched base on it in there. In short, I am super excited to get started! lol I have always had better luck with animals than people in some situations. I will hopefully be starting an internship program this summer with the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. Kudos to you and all of your hard work over these past 15 years and continuing!


Thanks so much! I love that this is what I do, and while I'm sure most of my animals aren't concerned one way or another as long as they're fed, I like to think they're happy. Any time you want to talk Zoos, let me know! I don't know much about RGZ, but I can pass along whatever knowledge might help you out! Always remember: Nutrition, education and finance are people to keep happy!


Hi Stefanie, Thanks for joining us. I would love to have you start a thread on Charlie in the rescue room once you become acquainted with the forum and wonderful members we are blessed with here at Grey Forums. Do you know how old Charlie is and if he is a Timneh or Congo grey? Our family rehomed a little Timneh African Grey (TAG) who is likely about eleven years old now. A lot of our rescues and rehomes are unsettled from changes and being in an unfamiliar place and once they feel safe, you see lots of different behaviors. When you described Charlie doing the regurgitation and noises it does sound a lot like the mating dance with droopy wings, clucking and "whining". When Gilbert first came, he went through a little of that, we just redirected him and he has become more friendly and interested without it becoming a "love" overture. It sounds like you have great instincts and are doing well to keep Charlie near you so he is in a place with activity where he can sort out what his place is his new home. Are you planning to keep him permanently or are you fostering him to find him a permanent home? I would love to know more about your life with Charlie. Thanks so much for joining us.


I'll post more about him in rescues later, but here's what I know for sure: Charlie is somewhere between 15 and 19 years old (there was some awesome arguing from the couple on this point!) and he is a CAG. They'd had him since he was hatched, and for years, he was showered with attention and all the appropriate needs and behaviors were fully addressed. Once the couple began having medical issues, Charlie was kind of relegated to the back burner. It's taken awhile, but every day he's more responsive and calm. He no longer freezes up any time anyone walks by and he's learning some basic behaviors. Unfortunately, 'step up' or any variation thereof is an absolute no-go. Currently, I'm working on redirecting the regurgitation behaviors with toys and such.


We are completely in love with him, and there is no question about his being a permanent addition to our family. I mentioned to the husband a few days ago that it was time to adopt out a large contingent of the residents and he immediately stated "not Charlie!" :)


Thank you all again for such a warm welcome!

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