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A Smokey, scarey night


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Last night was a frightening time in our house. Our momma "worked" all day, whatever that means. When she comes home at the end of what she calls a "work" week, we all look forward to that time. She turns on that big box, takes what she calls her "iPad", a "blankie" and we all hang out with her on the couch. Our 2 doggies next to her, our kitties on her lap and us 3 fighting for a place, a knee, a shoulder, and usually Talon on the back of the couch pulling mommas hair out.

This night was different tho......she started to get a fire in the fireplace ready. She was putting a flame up the chimney to warm it first, it took a long time, we didn't think she would ever stop and light the fire. Finally she lit the fire, but then the smoke filled our house so fast, it was awful! Momma was yelling for Josh to come help here. He came running downstairs and she yelled at him to open windows and get a fan. We could tell she was in a panic!! We got scared and started flying all over the house. Momma yelled at us to step up. Rikki and Nilah did and momma went upstairs as fast as she could. I heard her open her bedroom door, flick the light on and Nilah told me later, she threw them in there and slammed the door! Then I heard her run downstairs and I was watching Josh open all the windows in the middle of winter!!!

By norm the house was filled with so much smoke we could hardly see, momma was telling me to step up and I obeyed, but as soon as she started to walk away, I was so scared, I flew and kept going to the highest place I could find. Momma would look for me thru the smoke and find me and I would step up, and then fly off! I was so scared, I didn't know what was happening, the smoke alarms were Blair g and I was frightened, I wanted to trust momma, but I was too scared cause she was upset and scared. I heard her tell Josh, "talons gonna die, I have to get her", josh was looking for me too. He found me on the curtain rod next to the fireplace where the smoke was pouring out. I heard momma say how bad her eyes hurt and she could hardly see me.....when she came to me, she looked up at me as she was trying to reach me and I couldn't stop blinking, my eyes hurt badly too.....momma saw it and I saw the pain in her eyes, she was so sad.....I couldn't bring myself to go to her, I was too scared, so I flew off into the kitchen and I to my box ontop of the cabinet, phew, safe finally! Then momma grabbed a stool and climbed onto the counter and pushed me I to my little box and held it tightly while she ran into the bathroom where she set me on the counter, turned the fan on and opened the window. She then slammed the door! How dare she!!!!!

I heard her run to Piper, i heard her tell josh she hoped he wasn't dead. I heard her grab him and he yelled at her cause he hates her. I heard her run upstairs and I guess she put him I to that bathroom cause I could tell the fan went on, and I heard another door slam.


I don't know what happended next, but it was a long time before momma came and got me out of the bathroom. But I do know when she got me, the windows were open, fans were blowing and it smelled!!!!! I saw momma hug josh and thank him, and that she would NEVER use that damn fireplace thing again!!!!


The rest of the night, we were all pretty shocked and quiet. We didn't want much to eat for dinner, and momma kept asking me if I was okay. I could tell she was worried. She felt very bad cause I could feel it. Rikki and Nilah were okay, Rikki was talking, but Nilah sat on her tree stand and wouldn't talk or go sit with momma like she always does.


Today, when we woke up, momma was anxious to see us and talk to us. We all had breakfast together like always, and everything seems good! Back to normal as much as it can be with Nilah living here......


Poor momma, I know she feels awful. She thought I and piper and little birdies were going to die, but we made it. Even tho Momma messed up, we know she will never let something like that happen again....let's hope not.....:(

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Wingy, momma has the chimney sweeper come every year. He says it's a new fireplace and she has to heat the flu up before starting a fire. She uses a blue tank with a long perch on the end of it and she sends fire up it for a long time, but sometimes it doesn't work when it's really cold...

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Joe here... Momma didn't mess up. Tango, Salsa and I and all you birdies know she didn't! Momma is here for us all and she will take every precaution to make sure it doesn't happen again. Momma is your good bird. When those salty wet things run out of her eyes, just give her a kiss. That will make her feel better and she will know you are not upset with her. Get Momma to get you some cranberry juice and sip on that for your throats...Talk to you soon.

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Wow, Ana Grey here, I just read this post, no wonder Mama Janet was rummaging in the garage getting the travel cages back in our bird room. She is so afraid of an emergency when she needs to get us all out quickly. Now we have to have the travel cages in our room again, although it is too cold to go outside, sheesh! I guess she has every right to be afraid as she is alone here with the four of us, although I don't really consider Captain Caruso the silly canary.... A BIRD.... little bag of feathers is all he is!!


I'll glad you are okay, Talon, you know you are very lucky your Mom is great in an emergency and thinks quickly and moves fast. And she is lucky her son reacted quickly too, he must be a great guy! Stay safe all of you and let us know what's with the fireplace, as it seems too scarey to want to use. I hope all is well and all is safe at your house now.

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Oh Talon! I remember that day our house filled with smoke...it was so scarey, our mama grabbed us in a panic too and through us in the screened porch. It's a good thing our mama's think fast. You know they love us for them to worry so much about our safety. Even though we didn't understand what was happening, we knew mama would make it right. I am so happy you are all safe! ~ Shadow

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Talon's okaaaaay. It's okay now Talon. Mama needs a long hot bath and a cup of tea. She was making a nice warm fire to keep you warm and cozy. The smoke monster blew his nasty breath in but Mama and Josh kept you safe, that is the best thing. Make the big noise of the smoke detector lots and lots to remind everyone how to do a fire drill, that is going to be your job for at least a week. I still remind my Lulu every now and then. You really are okay, mama will keep you safe and warm without the smoke next time. With love, Gilbert

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Hi everyone. Thanks so much for all the support, it's nice to know I have lots of birdie friends that care.....remember, I live with Nilah, ugh, she's such a pain....


Joe, my momma never had those salty water drops on her face. She's says she's a "tough cookie" whatever that means, jeez, I know what a cookie is, and I've tried momma, she's no tasty cookie!!!


Ana Grey, my momma keeps our travel cages next to our cages all the time. But since we were flying all over the house, I think she thought it was quicker to throw us into other rooms and slam doors cause it was quicker. This has happened a few other times, I remember, and she threw us all upstairs into her bedroom and again slammed the door, which is surprising, cause she doesn't like us in her room. She says we get into everything......well. Gee, we're just customizing it for her the way WE think it should be, but she doesn't appreciate our artistic side. Well anyways, (please forgive me for talking so much, I can't talk much in my house cause Nilah is such a motor mouth) our house has never filled with smoke this bad before.


I heard momma tell others that she researched it on the Internet and asked her chimney sweeper man, and they say it's newer, smaller chimneys that have to be heated before lighting a fire or smoke comes in. She always thinks she's heated it for like 10 minutes, but doesn't always work. She says if she starts a fire with a Duraflame log, it doesn't smoke.....well she came home with a big box of those duraflames logs yesterday, but she's scared to light another fire. Matthew keeps asking and she says, no never again!

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Talon.... so sorry you guys had the scare of your life, including your mom! We are sooo lucky our moms are smart, and know what to do!When we were flying all over the place, she scared all of us when she told us to " get in the cage now!" She never talked like that before. Ryan helped her to evacuate us all ( whatever that means). The pups got to sit in the car, we sat in the yard while the fireman put out our fire. Mom really had put out the electrical fire by throwing the " breaker", ( whatever that is). The fireman called us the "Webster oo.( sorry, missing a letter on the computer, that I took off!)


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Joe here, you did a wonderful job, Thank you.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you with my remark about tears, we all know how strong you are.....[Maggie]


Momma doesn't mind at all, no worries, she does have those salty wet drops when she's watching tv sometimes.....don't get it, doesn't happen to us. Parronts are weird beings!

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Bongo here, you got a good mom. Stays calm under pressure and thinks of all you guys first. My mom would be running in circles, i know i have seen her do it! We don't have that thing called a fire, daddy says it is good in the main part of the house but makes our rooms to chilly for us. Plus, Gus and Gabby would probably try to get in with it, they are silly that way! I am soooo glad your all ok!

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