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Head scratch for Rosie????


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For those of you who think your bird will never come around, just be patient!! I've had Rosie (a rehab CAG) now for almost two years and I NEVER thought she would EVER let me touch her let alone let me into her heart. Within these 2 years there have been countless days of handing her food, only to have it ripped from my hand and thrown to my feet, countless days of nips, bites, and lacerations, countless days of stare downs and being ignored. Two months ago I noticed that she FINALLY started to take an interest in me. She would return whistles, take food from my hand gently, and started speaking in my voice. Last week was the topper! One night during her final wind up (talking, bings, bongs, and screams before bed), I walked to her cage to say goodnight. That's when I noticed that she was pressing her head up against the bars for a head scratch!! She started cooing. I decided that this was the time to open her cage and try to pet her from head to tail (MANY attemps before led to bloody fingers). I opened the cage and went for it! And she loved it, for about a minute. Then she let me know that I had over stayed my welcome. Progress for sure. Now days if I leave her cage and she wants me to come back, she will make a fart sound. I never thought I would love a fart sound so much. They always get the last laugh! :)

Edited by lisachristine
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Thats so funny about the fart sound for Josey does that too but usually just after uncovering her cage in the mornings. Its good to hear that she is responding more favorably to your offers for contact, sometimes it seems like it will never happen and then boom, out of nowhere she is taking you up on your attempts to put your hand on her but they certainly do try our patience.

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A few weeks ago I had a cold and had many nasty bouts of coughing fits. Now when I leave the room and don't return quickly enough Gracie will start this horrible irritating cough that sounds like it came from a 90 year old chain smoker. They sure know how to pick 'em don't they?

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Congratulations on your patience and consistency with Rosie to get her to this breakthrough. It is almost two years for Gilbert too and when he started to come around, it was followed by a fast pace of insights on his part that had some quiet days in between and then spurts of new behavior. It is so good that you are going through a similar phase change with Rosie. Lovely to think about her with you.

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Quick update on Rosie. Last night she jumped out of her cage twice! The first time she jumped, she was playing pretty rough and scared herself (or slipped) not sure what happened. The second time I was out of the room so I didn't see what happened. Both times she was able to get in her cage all by herself! She has only been out a handful of times in the two years I have had her and i've ALWAYS had to help get her back in. Every day I open the door praying that she'll find interest in coming out. Could my little girl finally be coming around???

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Thanks guys! Give Miki lots of space and lots of time and I'm sure things will turn around for you both. I really truely thought that Rosie would HATE me for life and as you've read she is SLOWLY coming around. I can't tell you how many dreams I've had of holding her and feeling her warm feet wrapped around my arm. It's a dream that someday may come true.

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