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One week yesterday with Chico and couldn't be better!


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Wow alot has happened, all good things. Chico now wants to come to me and is excited to see me when I come home from work and continues to sit on my hand and always always tries for my shoulder. That is one habit I must break of him as he is to use to getting his own way and always being on the shoulder. Sunday he stepped up to my son in law and later that nite to my oldest daughter. And yesterday, YES I told my husband to say step up to him from my hand and yes Chico did it! We were both so excited. I think this is a great accomplishment seeing that we only have had him for one week. NO bites! He will act like he will bite you and make a squaking noise if he doesnt want to move from my hand or off his cage but he has not clamped down hard at all.


Ok I do have a question..... what is it with him putting his food in his water? Brings back memories of my other grey who did this but not as much as Chico. I swear he is putting half his pellets in the water. What a waste!! Do they actually eat this from the water? I haven;t seen it yet.. So I now only have water in the cage not on top next to the pellets dish. I figure one smelly water dish is enough lol.


He definitely is not use to play stands either as he never had one. So I have been using both of mine so he and be using this instead of my hand all the time. But I have to admit I love him with me. Fig is jealous oh jealous. He know the 2 playstands are his and he wants both! If Chico on one Stand Fig jumps off his and walks over to Chicos stand. It is like having a spoiled brat around and 2 yr olds to watch. I cant let Fig on the stand with Chico cuz I am not sure what will happen as it is way to soon to even try it! So for now, I am babysitting 2 kids! LOL. :rolleyes:


Any advice on the food ?I would appreciate any! Thanks all

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Haaa to the "dunking." Timber is a dunker. Sometimes he dips and eats, sometimes it seems he just throws it in there to see what happens. Normal behavior from what I've seen. Chico may actually eat some of what he has dunked, then again he may not! Sorry this isn't really an answer, but that's all I know! ;)

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Great update for Chico. As for the dunking. Why oh why do they have little irks that we cannot explain or understand. My Ana Grey hates a dirty face so if she eats something that gets stuck on her beak, she wipes if off and then cleans her beak/face in her water bowl. The water is all over the place. The way of the grey. You got to love 'hem!

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Glad to hear things are going well! Rosie, my 4 year old CAG, never used to eat pellets until I accidentally dropped a few in her water. She immediately went to her water dish and gobbled up the pellets like she hadn't eaten in days. Now every night before bed, I sprinkle in a handful. I think it's great that Chico is even entertaining the idea of eating them at all! Some birds won't touch pellets, which takes away a great deal of nutrition from their diet. Eat away Chico! :)

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