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micro chipping?


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So after reading some of the stories about people losing their parrots I am a little nervous, it seems like its so easy to have your baby fly away, get found but have no 100% way of identifying him other than by his band, which is really hard to read at the best of times for me, I can't imagine him letting a stranger read the band or even know what it is etc etc.


How dangerous is chipping Storm? I know its easy for dogs and cats but he is much smaller than one of them, does it hurt the bird? will they have to put him to sleep to do it? any after effects?

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I am a large advocate of micro-chipping. I have three parrot, a small TAG, a CAG and a ZON. Each has been chipped without putting them to sleep. My TAG was the first I had chipped. The avian vet wanted to sedate her and I said no because I felt sedating her was more harmful than not. I was right and now they do not sedate birds any longer. There were no side effects for any of my parrots and they never have had any bad effects. I am very relieved to know that I can identify any of my parrots with "no problem". Ana Grey has been micro-chipped for about 3½ years and she will be 5 in August.

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I am very much against micro-chipping. I highly respect the opinions of others, however, I have been told it is extremely painful, especially for birds. I do believe that to be the truth. Also, in the research I've done, many cats and dogs develop a tumor in the area of the micro-chip. One of my dogs came to me microchipped, and I chose not to microchip my other dog and cats,or birds. Also, what are the chances if your bird gets lose, that, Someone will find it AND capture it, AND have the good sense to have it checked for a chip. In my area, most likely, the bird would die if it's in the fall or winter, or probably a predator would get it first. :


:( this is just my opinion, nothing more, nothing less..

Edited by Talon
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You have been given a lot of good advice and opinions, when it comes to putting a parrot to sleep regardless of the reason, the chances of full recovery is 50/50 regardless of what any particular vet might say. There are many factors determining the outcome. This comes from scientific fact and my personal experiences. The distant or cost of what a option might be for us has nothing to do with what's best for our parrots. Only you can decide.....

Edited by Jayd
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