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Temperature Extremes v.s. Walks


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Fall is coming.


I've recently inherited an AG from my brother-in-law -- better home environment, more attention paid to Gandalf, and better care.


Over the past few weeks I've greatly enjoyed sitting out in the front yard or back porch, with Gandalf sitting next to me just enjoying the outside. A few times a few crows or large birds went overhead and he got terrified and real close to me, but otherwise he seems to really enjoy being outside and hearing the world.


(Unfortunately -- he's now great at mimicing all the neighborhood dogs .. *sigh*)


So now, with fall coming, the temp outside today is in the mid-50's, after being mid to upper 70's until yesterday.


How cold can it be outside and still let me go outside with my bird? I know from readings that the cage should not be near a window or subject to extreme temps, but .. what about sitting outside for an hour or so?



After posting this, I find the link to the following at the top: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/27978-fall-coming-and-temperature-changes.html


I did a search for "temp" before posting, and it didn't come up. Does the search not search forum postings, or did I mistype temperature/





100_5502_crop500.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: n2fisher, at: 2007/10/11 22:04


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Hi n2fisher,


Most birds can survive in temperature extremes of both hot and cold.


The most important thing NOT to do, is walk from a 70 degree inside temperature to an outside 30 degree temp. The shock is not good for them, nor are winds that can increase the risk of respiratory problems.


If your Grey is used to an indoor fairly constant temperature, extreme hot or cold temperatures would not be good for them.


Some people do have outdoor aviaries that the Parrots stay in year round through summer and winter temperatures, but the key is they acclimate as the seasons change from season to season in a gradual fashion.


Basically, I figure if I need to put a coat on before going outside, my Grey stays in. :-)


Hope this helps.

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Sounds great! The only issue is -- I can take quite cold temps without a coat. My son used to go to high school mid-winter without a coat on. So, translate it to "If most people need a coat to go outside".


I took him out to pick up the mail today .. he loved it. Neighbors loved seeing him, and of course the postman loved it as well. Only issue was there was a TON of mail, and it was difficult getting it back to the house. I finally had Gandalf stand on top of the mail -- I was afraid he would shred it, but I got in OK.



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Mine has a thing for mail...I let him have all the junk I get with the understanding that the car payment bill it not touched. When he reaches for that one he gets a "AEHHHHH" with the dirty eye...he knows he picked up the wrong one.:laugh:


My grey LOVES the outside as well and because we are in FL we don't have the bitter cold like you do up north. It'll get cold (30f at night) in late Nov into Dec, and for people that live in FL year round thats COLD(we're light weights) so as soon as it's cold for me I won't take him out unless he is in my jacket.

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In your Jacket Bmustee?


That brings an exciting adventure to mind Kim and I had with Dayo 2 weeks ago.


Kim had a sweater on while we were watching a movie. Dayo loves to just set on her chest and chill with some head scratches and cuddles.


Well, Dayo decided to go inside her sweater opening at the top, crawled into her right sleeve and started working his way down, much to our surprise and humorous intrigue. The problem was though, that once Dayo got down to the wrist area, the sweater sleeve narrows, Dayo tried to back-up, no go, tried to push through the sleeve end, no go, then the freaking out began :ohmy:


While Laughing :whistle: I hopped up and ran to Kim's rescue as Dayo was about to chew or scratch Her Wrist and Arm off to get out of there :ohmy: so like any great thinking man would do, I started STRECHING the wrist opening so Dayo could get his head out, but I couldn't stretch it enough for his body too :unsure:


Now Dayo has his head out looking at us and squawking while I decide I will go get the scissors and just cut her sleeve open :laugh: .....That was a STUPID idea, Kim told me, she stood up, opened her sweater, took it off and slowly rolled the sleeve down and over Dayos body and finally head releasing Dayo and ending the emergency situation. :side:


So a word to the Wise.......NEVER think your Grey working his way into your sleeve is "CUTE" :ohmy:


Winter is coming, people may want to bundle up their precious Grey in their sweaters or coats......Be Careful!!!! :-)


You could end up looking like this....


ackk_face_ag1-bead890f6a88bf5fd63d4824f8c22b2f.gif<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/10/12 14:42


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LOL...OMG:woohoo: what an ordeal!



My grey hasn't been in the "jacket" situation yet...heck, it's still over 90 during the day here. My Sun Conure LOVED to go out when it was cold. I always wear jackets with hoods, so Otto would sit on my shoulder when the hood was up over my head. It looked like Kenny from South Park, but with an extra little set of parrot eyes looking out of the hood at you too. :laugh:

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