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Hi-Speed Video (aka SloMo), My First Attempt

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Got a new camera that does hi-speed video recording. I'm going to make more attempts to capture things in better light during the day, but this was my first attempt and considering the low lighting conditions I'm pretty happy and looking forward to getting him flying in full sunlight at some point.


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That's fantastic! My son has a go pro, I should use it, but never thought too.


Thanks. I think they're ideal when handling parrots because they're easily mounted and less intimidating than something larger or flashier. Also the fixed wide angle lens easily captures objects up close that a more typical camera with a minimum focal distance of a foot or more might not capture in focus. The one I'm shooting with is the latest and greatest offering from GoPro. Your son most likely has an earlier model that at best can capture 60 frames-per-second (FPS), whereas what you're seeing here was captured at 100 FPS and cranked down to 15 FPS. The earlier models also were horrible (IMHO) shooting indoors with out very bright or natural light. I've worked on more than one TV show that shot with them and outdoor results were amazing, indoor results were barely usable in some cases. I bring that up because this video has surprisingly good low light response considering the frame rate and the available light, something only the latest version is capable of.


Edit: Also the other thing I love is the external case that the camera is suppose to operate in. It is meant for action sports so if a beak gets a hold of it there is a chance that it will survive or worst case, the 40 dollar case will need replacing instead of the 200 to 400 dollar camera.GoPro_Hero3.jpg


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Since everyone liked the first little clip I tried to put together some more. Once again the missing secret ingredient was light. You need a lot of light to make it's way into our apartment and it was a overcast day. Played with Elwood and the camera a bit today and did some general play and also rewarded flight practice. He flies to me plenty based on whatever desire he has but I'm trying to get him to recall even when he's up high and doesn't want to. He also doesn't step up willingly sometimes. Anyway, I strung a few clips together I'm not as pleased with the hi-speed stuff this time. This camera is known to lock onto a bright spot in the frame and make everything else look much darker. This time I set up the camera at more of a distance rather than holding it. The first few regular speed clips were recorded hand-held with a very high quality. The hi speed (slo-mo) was done at a higher frame rate but was not stretched out as much. 120 reduced to 24, instead of 100 reduced to 15.



I tested the still image shooting by sticking the lense throu the cage bars. One of the reasons I like this camera is it has built in timelapse or interval functions. I'd love to permanently mount one to the cage so I can see what he's up to when I'm gone. The wide angle, full sensor images capture what looks to be 80 percent of the cages interior.



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