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After looking around for just the right perches for the boys so that they were able to be in which ever room we are in and not finding anything good here in Canada I decided to make my own. I tool and old Towel rack and some ceramic tile, to make it heavy and non tippable, attached them all together, covered the towel holder in vet wrap and called it done. It cost $23 to make has opposed to $50 to buy and shipping prices. It isn't fancy or anything but it serves its purpose. This is a pic of Storm and his perch :




I bought a percher as well for each of them but they are kinda light for a grey, I worry that if he decided to take flight it would tip over and he would be hurt, This is a pic of him on the percher :




He saw me getting ready to feed him his night time formula and got a little excited and was intent of rushing to me to make sure I did it exactly to his liking:





He is getting so excited for it, though I am not sure why, he hasn't take much 2 nights in a row now.




And Echo would totally insulted if I left him out of our photo shoot so here is with Storm. I am still amazed that they get along so well and hope that lasts a lifetime, though I know in my heart it probably won't, the relationship seems very one sided, Echo plays with Storm on Storm's cage, but heaven forbid Storm wants to play on Echo's cage



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I love your idea on the perches. Having something portable would come in handy.


Storm and Jake look so much alike. Was Storm hatched in Canada or the US?


Storm is Canadian Hatched his parents belong to Susan Mazda I believe. I got him from the handfeeder who doesn't breed she just feeds, loves and sends them on their way. And yes he still has baby eyes, but yet when you look at him in a different light you can kinda see them starting to change a little bit. I LOVE the baby eyes, they look so trusting, once they start to be able to pin them I get a little nervous b/c I'm not sure if I am reading them right...

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