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Excited about progress with Chico


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I am very excited with my progress with Chico. Yesterday and today he let me hold him. The first time was saying step up for about 10 times and finally he did it! Step up on my hand. So I went to a different room away from his cage with him. No screaming,biting just a little nervous. He kept trying to walk up my arm and wanted my shoulder or head. Well I don't think so, it is way to early for that it has not even been a full week yet. Tonight, same thing with him, except it only took a few minutes to get him to step up. He again wanted to climb up my arm and shoulder, so I kept moving him from one hand to another, then I figured he better go to cage for now cuz he kept trying so before I knew it he got on my head,OMG I was nervous but it was ok, i just put my hand up there under his feet and he stepped up. To the cage he went. LOL there was nothing to worry about and no biting!!


Now... unfortunately the last few days Fig has become more and more jealous. I can't go to Chico cage without Fig walking down and over to Chicos cage. So I have to walk away and fig walks up to his cage. So , I have to work with Chico while Fig is in his cage. I feel bad cuz Fig is always out but for now I have to take turns with both of them.


Chico and my husband... well lets say they are still getting to know each other, he growls at my husband. My husband won't give up which is a good thing so I am hoping they become buddys too.

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Jake also wants my shoulder or head and I don't want him up there. I put my foot up on the couch/chair and place him on my knee. He seems to like that and its a compromise we can both be comfortable with. Maybe that position would work for you.

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There will be a lot of changes and ups and downs with working out the status change in your home. It is still going on with us two years later. Just when we think there is a peace accord between the two parrots, one will find a way to vex the other. Just when we think we have worked out the husband and parrot becoming friends, suddenly I am on Gilbert's parrot poo list! Embrace every good change while thinking "this too shall pass" when you get exasperated. There are so many twists and turns when we are working with such intelligent and unique individuals, hubby included. LOL. Slow and steady progress is lasting progress. Enjoy these wonderful moments with Chico and your family.

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So today was just as good except I gave in to Chico. He kept trying to walk up my arm and wanted my shoulder. My husband... just let him he wants to feel safe, he won't bite you. So, I did and yes he loved my shoulder. So I let him walk around house with me on my shoulder. When I went to get him off he got on my head the little stinker bug. So I said no, step up, and put him on him play top on top of his cage.


Fig of course did not like Chico on my shoulder, he kept walking around his play stand fast, took a good 10 min before he would relax. I am thinking maybe Fig will now want me to have him step up on my hand too. Time will tell.

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