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just saying hi

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Hello, just stopping by to introduce myself. I do believe I've been on here a few years back, but it has been a long time. I have a TAG named Ragga Muffin, for short I just call him Ragga. He's been in my life for over 4 years. He is a sweet baby most of the time lol. Lately he's been quit willful but who isn't? ill try to post a pic of my little Ragga, if it doesn't work, at least I tried!


Edited by RaggaMuffin
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It never fails to amaze me when we see a new picture that even though greys look so similar to each other there is a unique, individual look to each one as well. He looks like he is posing after a wise crack "gotcha". Great to have you with us, now that I have a TAG, I can't soak up enough new information nor too much information. I can't wait to hear about the antics of RaggaMuffin. Great name.

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