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Jellybean is really pushing my buttons today....


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he is doing everything he knows I do not want him to do:

chewing on the blinds, the fridge and the door frames.

I remove him and and he is trying to bite, not wanting to step up.

When I finally had enough and put him in his cage he keeps calling out until I pay some attention to him.

We had a pretty good run the last couple of days, but this is aggravating.


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Welcome to my world. With my 3, when one of them behaves this way, they usually know it irritates me, and the more frustrated I get with their behaviour, the more they do it. Try a wanted item they don't usually get as a distraction, and pretend it is te coolest thing or the most forbidden item....they will want it and change direction.

I put small empty boxes on to of my counters or kitchen cabinets, that helped keep them busy enough so they behaved better. But you are right, patience......also,get used to it, it's life with a parrot! :)

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You know my guy can get like that too. I try (TRY being the operative word) to give him better choices, so he doesn't become the "bad guy." I have long ago realized that my door frames will ALL be redecorated by a feathered guy with better taste than mine, and that it is useless to try to have window treatments. Plus, most of my furniture is covered in stylish comforters to keep them intact. That being said, it does seem he goes after the things you expressly don't want him to ruin - first. What i do is distract Brutus by giving him something I don't mind if he destroys. I save little boxes, packing material, and other non-toxic and exciting things for those occasions. It seems the more of a big deal you make about something the more they will be bound and determined to get it. You just have to make safer things the goal. Does that make sense? I just feel that lots of negativity, shouting, name calling, is bad for a relationship with a grey. My grey thrives on words of encouragement, pride, love, and admiration. I try to minimize condemnation and emphasize contribution and praise. I really feel you get a better relationship with your bird if they feel they are a valuable and contributing member of your family. Think "outside the box" to keep relations positive and upbeat. Make a BIG deal over desirable behaviors. They certainly DO know what you are saying. They absolutely mop up praise.

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This may not work for everybody but I use a plant spray set to jet mode. If Misty goes anywhere like door frames or book shelves or attempts to chew that which is not to be chewed a quick squirt stops him. Most times I don't even need to squirt just pointing it at him is enough. His response is to fly to my shoulder as he correctly assumes I won't risk squirting myself! He registers his disapproval by calling me "Horrible boy" as he lands on my shoulder. Also if he goes somewhere forbidden and sees me looking at him with a warning look he will say "Trouble trouble" or "Thats not for you!" He knows what to expect and he obviously sees the whole think as way to tweak me. It hasn't stopped him "misbehaving" but as soon as I pick up the sprayer I grab his attention. As a result no furniture or parrots are damaged. My worst problem is opening drawers looking for papers or documents if he is around. He thinks I am going on a forage and insists on joining in and attempts to go on a document shredding frenzy.:eek: In that case the only option I have is to cage him and put up with his combination of pleading and verbal abuse until I have done what I need to do!


Steve n Misty

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They are certainly masters of knowing how to push our buttons. You all have great ideas on distractions and discouragement. I was laughing about the "horrible boy" comments made by Misty. Also Daniela, some people find a stuffed toy, plastic owl or other scary object to place near the spots that Jellybean knows will get you on your feet will be a short term deterrent until he finds the next spot that he can get his attention fix. Oh how the begging and pleading pulls our heartstrings when they get put in solitary confinement to alter the course of their misdeeds.

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I do the same thing as talon and chezron. Small cardboard boxes, a coffee can with foot toys, plastic utensils etc. as well that he will rummage through and play with various it items. When dayo does happen to get obsessed with something that is a no-no, I just start playing with his stuff, it drives him nuts and he comes over and bullies me away from them and then starts playing with those items. :P

Edited by danmcq
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