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day 8!


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Storm has been with us only 8 days now and it feels like he has been here forever. He fits right in and is so social and playful. Totally opposite compared to breeder bird mango, the difference is night and day. Right now he loves everyone and steps up for all those that ask and if you don't ask and are close enough he will grab your finger and pull your hand closer so he can step up lol.


He is a bit stubborn so I hope someone can guide me along on this. Sunday he ate everything offered to him, but since then he has been a pill....He will only eat softer foods and even his pellets have to be soaked in water in order for him to eat. He will be 5 months old in a few days and is still getting 2 formula feeds a day which is fine but I would love it if he would go back to the trying everything bird he was on Sunday.


What I am doing now is using Echo to show him that it's really ok to eat and that he won;t fall over dead if he tries it. Usually it works pretty well and when Echo starts to get to greedy and not letting Storm try things, I move him back to his own cage so they both can eat from their own dishes. I feel terrible using Echo like this but really can't see any other way. I have tried every pellet I can get here in Canada and in just 8 days have spent a ton of money on various pellets....He does like nutriberries but I don't want him on all seed. This morning I gave them higgens inca bean and he likes it, he started in on it right away, which was a nice surprise. He also loves his sweet potato mash for breakfast. As long as it's soft he will eat it.


If I just put the made formula in a dish on his cage will this be ok for him? I don't mind feeding him really I don't but really want to get him eating on his own more, so I thought if I put formula on his cage top maybe he will be encouraged?


They don't taste well to they? so putting some pellets in a blender and turning them into a powder and handfeeding that probably won't work will it and seeing as it will look different then pellets we would be in the same position?? am I correct in my thinking? He ate higgen pretty well this morning and his mash so I wasn't going to offer a handfeed unless he asks for it, is that right and ok? I won't refuse it but wondering if the "don't offer but don't refuse" line of thought is ok for him. (thats how I weaned by daughter from nursing lol)


I also wonder if he just has me whipped and since I am doing it to suit him he sees no reason to change it? What would happen if I stopped making his pellets soft, would he just suck it up and crunch them or would he ignore them and only eat the soft foods that I give both boys everyday?


He was an only chick, so I wonder if this is one of the reasons as to why he is so much slower in figuring out the food thing, which is why I am using Echo to teach him.


His is a true love bunny though, he loves to snuggle, loves to be with people kids, or adults he doesn't care at this point. He is whistling sort of and does that noise I showed you guys the other day if he feels neglected (which he isn't but clearly he thinks he must be) he tells me he wants to be fed by grabbing my finger and pumping it ever so gently but enough to get his point across. Bedtime is still a battle, he takes forever to settle down and fights even getting in his cage at night, but he IS getting better, once he settles I don't hear another word from him until he sees me up in the morning. We are so in love with him, its so hard to believe that it's only been 8 days when it feels like he has been here a lifetime.

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OK IMO you are trying to hard to change to much to fast.

Greys are picky eaters and you have only had him for 8 days. He needs more time to settle in.

When it comes to food and a grey you need to offer new food over and over and one day they will try it and think its the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Offering a new food one or two times is not enough for them to try it. Offer a verity of food and in time they will pick out what they like

Edited by Ray P
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He does seem to love something one day and not want it the next. I am not trying to go to fast on purpose. Echo eats everything you give him, I could probably offer him (not that I would of course) rat poison and he would likely eat it, as long as it comes from me it's all good in his world. He eats so very well and I am hoping Storm will follow suit. He did REALLY well today, he loves the inca bean mix, he ate some palm oil off a spoon and just about ALL the soaked pellets I gave him. I don't think I have ever had a picky bird, since I was a child every bird (which isn't that many) I owned would eat everything. Mind you back then it wasn't common for a bird to eat human food or even pellets, simply seed. It catches me off guard that he is finicky because just like I am new to him, his pickiness is 100% new to me.....I think my biggest fear is the weaning part of it, I have heard, read and seen parrots that were weaned to soon some of them have done great but some of those didn't do so great and I have wondered how many of their behavioral issues are from being forced to wean. I don't want to force it but I do want to encourage it kwim??

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Its sounds to me that you are trying to do right for your grey and I am with you 100% on that.

Many new grey caretakers try so hard to be a good grey parents that they forget you have to think in grey time.

You will do alright, just sit back and enjoy your new baby as they grow up so fast.

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They like variety just like we do so maybe because he ate one thing one day he may not want it the next day so vary what he gets and it is true that sometimes when we offer a particular food and they don't eat it keep offering it for many times one day they will eat it, they can be finicky just like small children and in fact they will always be just like them for the rest of their lives. Don't sweat the small stuff.

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