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Gus, our lil baby.


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Okay, finally got a good giggle out of Gus's antics. He has been getting better with letting Pat put his harness on him but tonight when i got the harness out and gave it to Pat, Gus turned his back to him to allow him to put it on. Pat was not quick enough though, so Gus started turning in circles on the chair, stopping with his back to him each time lifting his foot like hurry up, i am so ready! Then started mumbling at him! Too dang cute!

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Screaming night. This time it was my husband who had me laughing... 9:00 pm, past their bedtime, Gus still screaming in his cage. He wants Pat really bad. He tried everything to calm him down, but everything seemed to make it worse. We finally just grabbed some beers and went outside, while out there Pat came up with new invention. The Too babysitter. In such a straight voice he asked me to find him a maniquin so he could take a photo of his face and get a wrap made for it to put beside Gus 24-7. ( a wrap like you see on vehicles advertising their business ) It sounded like a good idea until we thought about this thing not moving and Gus screaming worse because "it" isn't holding or petting him! So we gave up on that idea and got our dinner and ate cowering in our bedroom. Again! Lol

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Wow, it's almost like he purposefully gives you moments of laughter and joy because he knows a brat session is on the horizon. I don't know anything about Too's other than a)what I've read here and b)I don't have the patience for one. Is there a forum like this one dedicated to Too's? Maybe people focused on them could give you some new coping tools.

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He flew onto to yesterday while i was cooking, that is a nono, prepping dinner is ok, but i had boiling stuff on stove. I took him back to his stand, he got so close to the edge he fell off, but no worries, he grabbed my forearm and hung there. That left a mark! Then a little later he flew to me again, i got my arm up for his landing but he was upset that it wasn't the back of my neck so he nipped many times on my wrist, Pat had to remove him and he was put in time out. When he came back out, he flew at Pat several more times, several more time outs and he calmed down and just sat with Pat finally. It may be our mistake, i am not sure, we don't mind him flying to us so if he lands without biting we don't make any deal out of it but if he lands and bites he goes to time out. Are we sending mixed signals, does he understand that biting is not ok?

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This is a subject I don't like to answer, please remember this is jut a FYI, It's not against any one nor is it a accusation. If you use a "Time-out" cage, use their regular cage. To use a empty cage other then their own is abusive. If it has water or food in it or a toy, it's not serving the purpose so why use it? The only thing a time out situation helps is the person giving the time out, the reason, your parrot has forgotten the incident before you evey get them to the cage, so this in itself is abusive. The best cure is to return the bird to where you want them and ignore them no matter how many times it takes.

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Yes Tooztalk.com for those who have the courage, creative problem solving skills and deafness required to live with Too's. I agree with Jayd they got attention and they appreciate that response weather it be positive or negative it still feeds their inner drama queen. I know I live with 2 Too's, love them appreciate their creativity, beauty, companionship and you have to appreciate their joi de vivre even when they drive you out of your mind and you wish they had volume controls.

Edited by Greywings
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Its been interesting around here to say the least. Spent about 5 hours at dr yesterday getting a bite treated. It wasn't Gus either. Got bit Saturday by a lemur. All was okay Sunday, it hurt but we kept it clean and iced and kept it over my head to keep the throbbing down. By yesterday morning it was badly infected and oozing and stunk to high heaven. Swelling was nothing like i had ever had before, and i have had broken bones and many parrot bites. At the dr, i found out that my skin was rotting, hence the smell, and gang green was mentioned. I got 3 shots and 3 prescriptions and have to go back in today and tomorrow for shots again. Much better today though, thank heavens. The worse part of it all is i can not handle my babies. My hand is splinted and it scares the greys, Bubba will only step up on that hand, Oliver wants to eat it and Gus is too nosey about it! I have been forbidden by hubby to even try and get them out today since i am off work, thats gunna be tuff! I will say that i hadn't even seen them since Saturday as the pain i was in left me in my bedroom crying, then all day at dr yesterday. All of them, including Gus were wonderful. No screaming, or acting up. I figured after being out of sight for 2 days, they would be pissy, but not at all. They were actually happy to see me! I got to be there for bedtime and after Pat put Bongo in, he started his kissing noises so i went over to him, he looked at my hand started making kissing noises again and gave me a big ol kiss!

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Lemurs look so cuddly and cute but those canine teeth are set at just the right angle to open an artery so you are fortunate indeed. I love them and they are all endangered but after working with them I always treated them with respect and kept some distance between us. So sorry you got injured but it will give you a great story to tell later. Keep haling and so glad your flock is giving you some sympathetic time.

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Thank you. They DID look cute to me too, but not anymore! Lol they were worried i would lose my finger but although he didn't say it it seems to be mending okay. The infection is really still pretty bad but not green and smelly anymore. I got to handle my babies yesterday for the first time since Saturday. Bubba was my biggest concern as he steps up on my hand, i had to use my left hand and he did just fine. Bongo, oh my baby boy, we had a friend over last night and Bongo just loves this guy. He was on his shoulder and i was walking by them, Bongo lowered his head to me so i went in for a kiss. He rubbed his head around my face then he kissed me! He has never done that before so i tried again, same thing but this time after he kissed me he put his head against my lips and got to kiss him on the head andneck and back. I was puddy in his hand! Gus has been really good also. I am really amazed with these guys, i thought this big red splint would scare them but nope, after the first day they adjusted!

Advise i would give though would be to practice with your fids to step up many different ways. Mine all their own way of stepping up and this freak injury caused some fear of getting bit if i tried to hold them. I tried once to pick Bubba up on my forearm and i got bit pretty hard so it was left handed or he was stuck in his cage until Pat got home!

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According to Gus, i am better. All his being nice and staying quiet is over. 4 days of being good is his limit, lol. Yesterday was flight of fancy for him. Well i guess he is still being okay with me, he flew many times to my shoulder with no incident but got Pat pretty good in the neck. Two very nice holes that took a few minutes to bleed due to the depth. It is decided, we will start working together with him on the flying like we did Bongo, but just pretend he doesn't know how to fly. I have been having Bongo fly past Gus to me to maybe show Gus that Bongo comes when called for by me and also so he can watch how and where Bongo lands. So far this has only proven to piss Guster off.

So here is a picture i hopefully can set of an afternoon in our house... Bubba starts talking up a storm when anyone is cleaning around him, Gus afraid of all cleaning items, Bongo pretty laid back, Gabby is always looking for something to get into. Oliver is only concerned with Bubba.

Yesterday is cover over the couches wash day, all birdies are on their stands. I remove the cover and shake it out to get all those little pieces of box and nut shells out. I go to get the broom to sweep it all up. Gus starts jumping and hissing. Bubba starts with "hello, heello, helllow, pretty bird, Bubba, Pat, ouch, Paat". I sweep, replying to Bubba, ignoring Gus. Where is Gabby? I look and call for her, nothing. I then hear a faint "hello" and i trace it to the couch, behind a pillow, foam stuffing all around her and a hole in my couch about the size of her head! I start to ask why when Bubba tells her she is a pretty bird. Laughing now, I gave up, cover washing will be done overnight when they are in their cages!

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I am not supposed to talk about this in fear of jinxing it but... He has been doing so good. Last night at dinner time we put him in the cage like the others and he was quiet and ate. We were able to finish cooking our dinner and eat without the screaming! He has also gotten better with the screaming during the day time, he is starting to entertain himself some! Like right now, i went and woke them up to start their day. He is in there playing, not his usual screaming for me to get him out! Sunday morning, he was so cute. When i woke them up it took me a little longer to get their breakfast, i had to wake Pat up to hear him. He was just talking away, "mama, Pat, hello, pick me up" over and over in that order. How could i deny that? Out he came! He also now fully understands the harness and what it means. No matter what he is doing, if the harness comes out, he assumes the position! He is growing up by leaps and bounds!

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All still progressing right along. He has picked up on a habit of not stepping up when we try and bring him out after work, one foot only, if you give up and walk away, he starts screaming. I thought it was just me since i have one hand in a splint and the hand i can use is the left one that isn't as co ordinated as the right but nope, he is doing it to Pat too!

The broom thing has been doing good keeping him from flying at us, but i need to find something else, first i hate the idea of scaring him into doing what we need. Second if you have a parrot, you need to sweep, and all the time it seems, and if he is afraid of the broom those two things just don't go together.

Oliver funny... I had him on my forearm bringing him to his stand and he slipped trying look at the pretty bird in the mirror, of course he grabbed ahold of my bad finger and left a good dent in the splint but i guess the texture freaked him out. He let go and then just stared at it. That was hubbys bigest fear, a parrot grabbing the finger and causing even more damage. Now its my fear too! I am a slow learner. :-)

Edited by murfchck
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